Rookwood. A Romance By W. HARRISON AINSWORTH

“Humph!” muttered Coates, peevishly.

“But it does seem a little hard, that a lad should swing for killing a bit of venison in his own father’s park.”

“Which he’d a nat’ral right to do,” cried Titus.

“He had no natural right to bruise, violently assault, and endanger the life of his father’s, or anybody else’s, gamekeeper,” retorted Coates. “I tell you, sir, he’s committed a capital offence, and if he’s taken—”

“No chance of that, I hope,” interrupted Jack.

“That’s a wish I can’t help wishing myself,” said Titus: “on my conscience, these poachers are fine boys, when all’s said and done.”

“The finest of all boys,” exclaimed Jack, with a kindred enthusiasm, “are those birds of the night, and minions of the moon, whom we call, most unjustly, poachers. They are, after all, only professional sportsmen, making a business of what we make a pleasure; a nightly pursuit of what is to us a daily relaxation; there’s the main distinction. As to the rest, it’s all in idea; they merely thin an overstocked park, as you would reduce a plethoric patient, doctor; or as you would work a moneyed client, if you got him into Chancery, Mister Attorney. And then how much more scientifically and systematically they set to work than we amateurs do; how noiselessly they bag a hare, smoke a pheasant, or knock a buck down with an air-gun; how independent are they of any licence, except that of a good eye, and a swift pair of legs; how unnecessary is it for them to ask permission to shoot over Mr. So-and-So’s grounds, or my Lord That’s preserves; they are free of every cover, and indifferent to any alteration in the game laws. I’ve some thoughts, when everything else fails, of taking to poaching myself. In my opinion, a poacher’s a highly respectable character. What say you, Mr. Coates?” turning very gravely to that gentleman.

“Such a question, sir,” replied Coates, bridling up, “scarcely deserves a serious answer. I make no doubt you will next maintain that a highwayman is a gentleman.”

“Most undoubtedly,” replied Palmer, in the same grave tone, which might have passed for banter, had Jack ever bantered. “I’ll maintain and prove it. I don’t see how he can be otherwise. It is as necessary for a man to be a gentleman before he can turn highwayman, as it is for a doctor to have his diploma, or an attorney his certificate. Some of the finest gentlemen of their day, as Captains Lovelace, Hind, Hannum, and Dudley, were eminent on the road, and they set the fashion. Ever since their day a real highwayman would consider himself disgraced, if he did not conduct himself in every way like a gentleman. Of course, there are pretenders in this line, as in everything else. But these are only exceptions, and prove the rule.

“What are the distinguishing characteristics of a fine gentleman?—perfect knowledge of the world—perfect independence of character—notoriety—command of cash—and inordinate success with the women. You grant all these premises. First, then, it is part of a highwayman’s business to be thoroughly acquainted with the world. He is the easiest and pleasantest fellow going. There is Tom King, for example: he is the handsomest man about town, and the best-bred fellow on the road. Then whose inclinations are so uncontrolled as the highwayman’s, so long as the mopuses last? who produces so great an effect by so few words?—’Stand and deliver,’ is sure to arrest attention. Everyone is captivated by an address so taking. As to money, he wins a purge of a hundred guineas as easily as you would the same sum from a faro table. And wherein lies the difference? only in the name of the game. Who so little need of a banker as he? all he has to apprehend is a check—all he has to draw is a trigger. As to the women, they dote upon him: not even your redcoat is so successful. Look at a highwayman mounted on his flying steed, with his pistols in his holsters, and his mask upon his face. What can be a more gallant sight? the clatter of the horse’s heels is like music to his ear—he is in full quest—he shouts to the fugitive horseman to stay—the other flies all the faster—what chase can be half so exciting as that? Suppose he overtakes his prey, which ten to one he will, how readily his summons to deliver is obeyed; how satisfactory is the appropriation of a lusty purse or a corpulent pocket-book—getting the brush is nothing to it. How tranquilly he departs, takes off his hat to his accommodating acquaintance, wishes him a pleasant journey, and disappears across the heath! England, sir, has reason to be proud of her highwaymen! They are peculiar to her clime, and are as much before the brigand of Italy, the contrabandist of Spain, or the cut-purse of France—as her sailors are before all the rest of the world. The day will never come, I hope, when we shall degenerate into the footpad, and lose our night errantry. Even the French borrow from us—they have only one highwayman of eminence, and he learnt and practised his art in England.”

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