Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott

buttons to sew, or housekeeping cares to vex her soul.

Rose went about with Dulce like a very devoted hen with one

rather feeble chicken, for she was anxious to have this treatment

work well and tended her little patient with daily increasing

satisfaction. Dr. Alec came up to pass a few days and pronounced

the child in a most promising condition. But the grand event of the

season was the unexpected arrival of Phebe.

Two of her pupils had invited her to join them in a trip to the

mountains, and she ran away from the great hotel to surprise her

little mistress with a sight of her, so well and happy that Rose had

no anxiety left on her account.

Three delightful days they spent, roaming about together, talking

as only girls can talk after a long separation, and enjoying one

another like a pair of lovers. As if to make it quite perfect, by one

of those remarkable coincidences which sometimes occur, Archie

happened to run up for the Sunday, so Phebe had her surprise, and

Aunt Jessie and the telegraph kept their secret so well, no one ever

knew what maternal machinations brought the happy accident to


Then Rose saw a very pretty, pastoral bit of lovemaking, and long

after it was over, and Phebe gone one way, Archie another, the

echo of sweet words seemed to linger in the air, tender ghosts to

haunt the pine grove, and even the big coffeepot had a halo of

romance about it, for its burnished sides reflected the soft glances

the lovers interchanged as one filled the other’s cup at that last


Rose found these reminiscences more interesting than any novel

she had read, and often beguiled her long leisure by planning a

splendid future for her Phebe as she trotted about after her baby in

the lovely July weather.

On one of the most perfect days she sat under an old apple tree on

the slope behind the house where they used to play. Before her

opened the wide intervale, dotted with haymakers at their

picturesque work. On the left flowed the swift river fringed with

graceful elms in their bravest greenery; on the right rose the purple

hills serene and grand; and overhead glowed the midsummer sky,

which glorified it all.

Little Dulce, tired of play, lay fast asleep in the nest she had made

in one of the haycocks close by, and Rose leaned against the

gnarled old tree, dreaming daydreams with her work at her feet.

Happy and absorbing fancies they seemed to be, for her face was

beautifully tranquil, and she took no heed of the train which

suddenly went speeding down the valley, leaving a white cloud

behind. Its rumble concealed the sound of approaching steps, and

her eyes never turned from the distant hills till the abrupt

appearance of a very sunburned but smiling young man made her

jump up, exclaiming joyfully: “Why, Mac! Where did you drop


“The top of Mount Washington. How do you do??

“Never better. Won’t you go in? You must be tired after such a


“No, thank you. I’ve seen the old lady. She told me Aunt Jessie and

the boy had gone to town and that you were ‘settin’ round’ in the

old place. I came on at once and will take a lounge here if you

don’t mind,” answered Mac, unstrapping his knapsack and taking a

haycock as if it were a chair.

Rose subsided into her former seat, surveying her cousin with

much satisfaction as she said: “This is the third surprise I’ve had

since I came. Uncle popped in upon us first, then Phebe, and now

you. Have you had a pleasant tramp? Uncle said you were off.?

“Delightful! I feel as if I’d been in heaven, or near it, for about

three weeks, and thought I’d break the shock of coming down to

the earth by calling here on my way home.?

“You look as if heaven suited you. Brown as a berry, but so fresh

and happy I should never guess you had been scrambling down a

mountain,” said Rose, trying to discover why he looked so well in

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