Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott

down as quickly as possible.

“Mercy on us! I should never dare to say a word about it to Mrs.

Mac, for I’m dreadfully afraid of her, she is so stern, and how I’m

ever to get on when she is my mother-in-law I don’t know!” cried

Kitty, clasping her hands in dismay at the idea.

“She isn’t half as stern as she looks, and if you go to her without

fear, you’ve no idea how sensible and helpful she is. I used to be

frightened out of my wits with her, but now I’m not a bit, and we

get on nicely. Indeed, I’m fond of her, she is so reliable and upright

in all things.?

“She certainly is the straightest woman I ever saw, and the most

precise. I never shall forget how scared I was when Steve took me

up to see her that first time. I put on all my plainest things, did my

hair in a meek knob, and tried to act like a sober, sedate young

woman. Steve would laugh at me and say I looked like a pretty

nun, so I couldn’t be as proper as I wished. Mrs. Mac was very

kind, of course, but her eye was so sharp I felt as if she saw right

through me, and knew that I’d pinned on my bonnet strings, lost a

button off my boot, and didn’t brush my hair for ten minutes every

night,” said Kitty in an awe-stricken tone.

“She likes you, though, and so does Uncle, and he’s set his heart on

having you live with them by and by, so don’t mind her eyes but

look straight up at her, and you’ll see how kind they can grow.?

“Mac likes me, too, and that did please me, for he doesn’t like girls

generally. Steve told me he said I had the ‘making of a capital little

woman in me.’ Wasn’t it nice of him? Steve was so proud, though

he does laugh at Mac sometimes.?

“Don’t disappoint them, dear. Encourage Steve in all the good

things he likes or wants, make friends with Mac, love Aunt Jane,

and be a daughter to Uncle, and you’ll find yourself a very happy


“I truly will, and thank you very much for not making fun of me. I

know I’m a little goose, but lately I’ve felt as if I might come to

something if I had the right sort of help. I’ll go up and see Aunt

Jessie tomorrow. I’m not a bit afraid of her, and then if you’ll just

quietly find out from Uncle Doctor what I must read, I’ll work as

hard as I can. Don’t tell anyone, please, they’ll think it odd and

affected, and I can’t bear to be laughed at, though I daresay it is

good discipline.?

Rose promised, and both worked in silence for a moment, then

Kitty asked rather timidly: “Are you and Charlie trying this plan

too? Since you’ve left off going out so much, he keeps away also,

and we don’t know what to make of it.?

“He has had what he calls an ‘artistic fit’ lately, set up a studio, and

is doing some crayon sketches of us all. If he’d only finish his

things, they would be excellent, but he likes to try a great variety at

once. I’ll take you in sometime, and perhaps he will do a portrait of

you for Steve. He likes girls’ faces and gets the likenesses

wonderfully well.?

“People say you are engaged but I contradict it, because, of course,

I should know if you were.?

“We are not.?

“I’m glad of it, for really, Rose, I’m afraid Charlie hasn’t got ‘firm

principles,’ though he is a fascinating fellow and one can’t scold

him. You don’t mind my saying so, do you, dear?” added Kitty, for

Rose did not answer at once.

“Not in the least, for you are one of us now, and I can speak

frankly and I will, for I think in one way you can help Steve very

much. You are right about Charlie, both as to the principles and

the fascination. Steve admires him exceedingly, and always from a

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Categories: Alcott, Louisa May