Roughing It by Mark Twain

waves of the sea. It is a commodious tunnel, except that there are

occasional places in it where one must stoop to pass under. The roof is

lava, of course, and is thickly studded with little lava-pointed icicles

an inch long, which hardened as they dripped. They project as closely

together as the iron teeth of a corn-sheller, and if one will stand up

straight and walk any distance there, he can get his hair combed free of



We got back to the schooner in good time, and then sailed down to Kau,

where we disembarked and took final leave of the vessel. Next day we

bought horses and bent our way over the summer-clad mountain-terraces,

toward the great volcano of Kilauea (Ke-low-way-ah). We made nearly a

two days’ journey of it, but that was on account of laziness. Toward

sunset on the second day, we reached an elevation of some four thousand

feet above sea level, and as we picked our careful way through billowy

wastes of lava long generations ago stricken dead and cold in the climax

of its tossing fury, we began to come upon signs of the near presence of

the volcano–signs in the nature of ragged fissures that discharged jets

of sulphurous vapor into the air, hot from the molten ocean down in the

bowels of the mountain.

Shortly the crater came into view. I have seen Vesuvius since, but it

was a mere toy, a child’s volcano, a soup-kettle, compared to this.

Mount Vesuvius is a shapely cone thirty-six hundred feet high; its crater

an inverted cone only three hundred feet deep, and not more than a

thousand feet in diameter, if as much as that; its fires meagre, modest,

and docile.–But here was a vast, perpendicular, walled cellar, nine

hundred feet deep in some places, thirteen hundred in others, level-

floored, and ten miles in circumference! Here was a yawning pit upon

whose floor the armies of Russia could camp, and have room to spare.

Perched upon the edge of the crater, at the opposite end from where we

stood, was a small look-out house–say three miles away. It assisted us,

by comparison, to comprehend and appreciate the great depth of the basin

–it looked like a tiny martin-box clinging at the eaves of a cathedral.

After some little time spent in resting and looking and ciphering, we

hurried on to the hotel.

By the path it is half a mile from the Volcano House to the lookout-

house. After a hearty supper we waited until it was thoroughly dark and

then started to the crater. The first glance in that direction revealed

a scene of wild beauty. There was a heavy fog over the crater and it was

splendidly illuminated by the glare from the fires below. The

illumination was two miles wide and a mile high, perhaps; and if you

ever, on a dark night and at a distance beheld the light from thirty or

forty blocks of distant buildings all on fire at once, reflected strongly

against over-hanging clouds, you can form a fair idea of what this looked


A colossal column of cloud towered to a great height in the air

immediately above the crater, and the outer swell of every one of its

vast folds was dyed with a rich crimson luster, which was subdued to a

pale rose tint in the depressions between. It glowed like a muffled

torch and stretched upward to a dizzy height toward the zenith. I

thought it just possible that its like had not been seen since the

children of Israel wandered on their long march through the desert so

many centuries ago over a path illuminated by the mysterious “pillar of

fire.” And I was sure that I now had a vivid conception of what the

majestic “pillar of fire” was like, which almost amounted to a


Arrived at the little thatched lookout house, we rested our elbows on the

railing in front and looked abroad over the wide crater and down over the

sheer precipice at the seething fires beneath us. The view was a

startling improvement on my daylight experience. I turned to see the

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Categories: Twain, Mark