Runner of Pern by McCaffrey, Anne. Part one

She was mightily relieved, however, when her father said he had asked Mallum of the Telgar station to do her assessment. At least Tenna had met the man on those occasions when he’d been through to their place on the edge of Keroon’s plains. Like other runners, he was a lanky length of man, with a long face and greying hair that he tied back with his sweatband as most runners did.

Her parents didn’t tell her when Mallum was expected, but he turned up one bright morning, handing in a pouch to be logged on the board by the door and then limping to the nearest seat.

‘Bruised the heel. We’ll have to rock that south trace again. I swear it grows new ones every Turn or two,’ he said, mopping his forehead with his orange sweatband and thanking Tenna for the cup of water. ‘Cesila, got some of that sheer magic poultice of yours?’

‘I do. Put the kettle to heat the moment I saw you struggling up the trace.’

‘Was not struggling,’ Mallum said in jovial denial. ‘Was careful not to put the heel down was all.’

‘Don’t try to fool me, you spavined gimper,’ Cesila replied as she was dipping a poultice sack into the heated water, testing it with a finger.

‘Who’s to run on? Some orders in that need to be got south smartly.’

‘I’m taking it on,’ Fedri said, coming out of his room and tying on his sweatband. ‘How urgent?’ His runner’s belt was draped over his shoulder. ‘I’ve others to add from the morning’s eastern run.’

‘Hmmm. They want to make the Igen Gather.’

‘Ha! It’ll be there betimes,’ Fedri said, reaching for the pouch and carefully adding the other messages to it before he put it through the belt loops. Settling it in the small of his back with one hand, he chalked up the exchange time with the other. ‘See you.’

Then he was out the door and turning south, settling into his long-distance stride almost as soon as his foot hit the moss of the trace.

Tenna, knowing what was needed, had already pulled a footstool over to Mallum. She looked up at him for permission and, with his nod, unlaced the right shoe, feeling the fine quality of the leather. Mallum made his own footwear and he had set the stitching fine and tight.

Cesila knelt beside her daughter, craning her head to see the bruise.

‘Hmmm. Hit it early on, didn’t cha?’

‘I did,’ Mallum said, drawing his breath in with a hiss as Cesila slapped the poultice on. ‘Oooooh! Shards . . . you didn’t get it too hot, didja?’

Cesila sniffed denial in reply as she neatly and deftly tied the packet to his foot.

‘And is this the lass of yours as is to be taken for a run?’ he asked, relaxing his expression from the grimace he’d made when the poultice was first applied. ‘Prettiest of the bunch.’ And he grinned at Tenna.

‘Handsome is as handsome does,’ Cesila said. ‘Looks is all right but long legs is better. Tenna’s her name.’

‘Handsome’s not a bad thing to be, Cesila, and it’s obvious your daughter takes after you.’

Cesila sniffed again but Tenna could see that her mother didn’t mind Mallum’s remarks. And Cesila was a handsome woman: lithe still and slender, with graceful hands and feet. Tenna wished she were more like her mother.

‘Nice long line of leg,’ Mallum went on approvingly. He beckoned for Tenna to come closer and had a good look at the lean muscles, then asked to see her bare feet. Runners tended to walk bare-footed a lot. Some even ran bare-footed. ‘Good bone. Hmmm. Nice lean frame. Hmm. Not a pick on you, girl. Hope you can keep warm enough in winter like that.’ That was such an old runner comment, but his jollity was encouraging and Tenna was ever so glad that Mallum was her assessor. He was always pleasant on his short stops at Station 97. `We’ll take a short one tomorrow when this foot’s eased.’

More runners came in so Cesila and Tenna were busy, checking in messages, sorting the packets for the change-overs, serving food, heating water for baths, tending scratched legs. It was spring of the year and most runners only used leggings during the coldest months.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne