Runner of Pern by McCaffrey, Anne. Part two

She was halfway back to Rosa and Cleve when she heard someone rapidly overtaking her. So she was ready when her arm was seized and her progress halted.

‘What was that all about?’ It was the tall lad in brown who pulled her about, a look of genuine surprise on his face. And his eyes, too, surveyed her in her form-fitting blue dress.

‘I thought he ought to have a little of what he deals out so recklessly,’ she said, and proceeded.

‘Wait a minute. What was he supposed to have done to you? I’ve never seen you around Fort before and he’s never mentioned meeting someone like you. And he would!’ His eyes glinted with appreciation.

‘Oh?’ and Tenna cocked her head at him. They were nearly at eye-level.

‘Well, he pushed me into sticklebushes.’ She showed him her hands and his expression altered to one of real concern.

‘Sticklebushes? They’re dangerous at this season.’

‘I do know that . . . the hard way,’ she replied caustically.

‘But where? When?’

‘That doesn’t matter. I’ve evened the score.’

‘Indeed,’ and his grin was respectful. ‘But are you sure it was my brother?’

‘Do you know all Haligon’s friends?’

‘Haligon?’ He blinked. After a pause in which his eyes reflected a rapid series of considerations, he said, ‘I thought I did.’ And he laughed nervously. Then he gestured for her to continue on her way. She could see that he was being careful not to annoy her and that provided her further amused satisfaction.

‘There is a lot about Haligon that he would want kept quiet,’ she said. ‘He’s a reckless sort.’

‘And you’re the one to teach him manners?’ He had to cover his mouth, but she could see that his eyes were brimming with laughter.

‘Someone has to.’

‘Oh? Just what offence did he give you? It’s not often . . . Haligon . . . measures his length. Couldn’t you have found a less public spot to deliver your lesson? You’ve ruined his Gather clothes with muck.’

‘Actually, I chose the spot deliberately. Let him feel what it’s like to be flattened unexpectedly.’

‘Yes, I’m sure. But where did you encounter him?’

‘He was using a runner trace, at the gallop, in the middle of the night. . .’

‘Oh,’ and he stopped dead in his tracks, an odd, almost guilty look on his face. ‘When was this?’ he asked, all amusement gone from his face.

‘Four nights ago, at the hill curve.’


‘I was knocked into sticklebushes.’ With those words, she held out her right leg and pulled her skirt up high enough to expose the red dots of the healing injuries. And again displayed her free hand and its healing rack of punctures.

‘They got infected?’ He was really concerned now and obviously knew the dangers of the sticklebush.

‘I’ve saved the slivers,’ she said in a firm tone. ‘Healer Beveny has them for proof. I wasn’t able to continue working and I’ve been laid up three days.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that.’ And he sounded sincere, his expression sombre.

Then he gave his head a little shake and smiled at her, a trifle warily, but there was a look in his eyes that told her he found her attractive. ‘If you promise not to drop me, may I say that you don’t look at all like most runners I’ve met.’ His eyes lingered only briefly on her bodice and then he hastily cleared his throat. ‘I’d better get back and see . . . if Haligon’s come to.’

Tenna spared a glance at the little knot of people clustered around her victim and, giving him a gracious nod, continued on her way back to Rosa and Cleve.

They were looking pale and shocked.

‘There! Honour is satisfied,’ she said, slipping into her seat.

Rosa and Cleve exchanged looks.

‘No,’ Rosa said and leaned towards her, one hand on her forearm. ‘It wasn’t Haligon you knocked down.’

‘It wasn’t? But that’s the fellow you pointed out to me. He’s in brown. . .’

‘So is Haligon. He’s the one followed you across the dance floor. The one you were talking to and I don’t think you were giving him any what-for.’

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne