Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

this sacrifice you are willing to make for us tonight. Tonight you will join with the Mother,‖

Raum said quietly, then lifted his head and cried to the assembly. ―Witness this sacrifice freely

given by friend Stag to the sun, to enable the sun to waken at the end of this long night, to give it

the strength it will need to strengthen towards spring. Friend Sun, accept this gift!‖

And he dug the knife into the Stag‘s throat as hard as he could. A dark spurt of blood

arched through the air and the Stag groaned, collapsing onto the ground. As the blood spurted

free StarDrifter began to sing again, a high exultant note in his voice, and he threw the burning

brand he had been holding spinning into the sky.

Instantly the great circle of stone about the Earth Tree burst into flame.

Axis paced along the wall, his face tight with apprehension. As the wind had died, so too

had the snow stopped. Now the frightful mist that heralded the arrival of Skraelings was

thickening about the walls. Dark had fallen, and the night increased the mist‘s impenetrability.

Belial watched Axis as he paced back and forth along the wall, pausing now and again to peer

uselessly into the night. Sentries in both town and fort had lit torches along the walls, but even

the thin tracery of light could do nothing to allay the growing fear. All were tense and ready,

some soldiers climbing the ladders to the parapets of the walls, others hefting weapons in their hands. Others stood scattered about in defensive positions throughout the town in case the walls

should fail and the survivors be forced to retreat through the town‘s twisted streets towards the


Axis slapped the wall with a gloved fist in frustration. What was out there? What? He

recalled the night Gorgrael had rolled his cloud of fear over the Axe-Wielders and imagined he

could hear the beat of great wings deep within the mist. He quickly scanned the sky. What if

Gorgrael gave more of his creatures wings? The idea of Skraelings dropping from the sky made

Axis‘ skin crawl.

What was Gorgrael doing? Why was he waiting?

Frustrated by his inability to see what was going on, and seized by a sudden impulse,

Axis snatched one of the burning torches from its bracket and heaved it spinning high into the

mist. Thousands of wraiths suddenly became visible as they fled the flaming brand spinning

down towards the earth, their silver eyes throbbing in panic, their whispery voices wailing and


Then, as the light sputtered and died in the soft snow, Gorgrael‘s forces launched their


Azhure‘s attention was caught by the spinning torch and the sudden conflagration of the

stone circle and for critical instants she did not realise the Earth Tree Grove was under attack.

Screams and shouts reached her ears, but it wasn‘t until Pease grabbed her arm and screamed

with a strange guttural sound that Azhure abruptly realised something was dreadfully wrong.

Two creatures, Skraeling wraiths, had hooked their clawed hands into Pease‘s upper body—their

frightful jaws working at her neck and shoulders. Pease gripped Azhure‘s arm convulsively even

as her body jerked. Her eyes pleaded for help; blood dribbled from her nose and mouth.

Azhure tore her arm from Pease‘s death grip, too terrified to scream herself. She slowly

backed away, step by step, her eyes riveted by Pease‘s death agony, horrified by the nightmare

creatures that tore convulsively at Pease‘s flesh. Pease‘s eyes rolled up into her eye sockets and

her body began to collapse backwards, her hand still extended in appeal. One of the creatures

lifted its head and hiccupped, its eyes on Azhure.

Finally, her terrified trance broken, Azhure turned and ran.

She ran into a landscape of chaos and terror, blood and frenzied feeding. As the stone

circle had burst into fire the three SkraeBolds in charge of the assault on the Yuletide rites

launched thousands of Skraelings into the Earth Tree Grove. The first the Avar and Icarii knew

of the attack was the shocking sight of the sentries‘ bodies hurtling down from the cliff face

above them, their dead bodies breaking the bones and wings of the living in a sudden, frightful

crackling of pain. As Avar and Icarii screamed and milled in confusion the Skraelings massed

out of the tree line and down the cliff face into the assembly.

It took vital minutes for the Crest-Leaders to rally the Strike Force to their calls, vital

minutes when the countless Skraelings literally ate their way through the crowd towards the

stone circle, intent on reaching the Enchanters and Banes in the centre of the grove, and then the

Earth Tree itself.

FarSight CutSpur screamed in anger and frustration as his Strike Force lifted into the sky

in pitiful dribs and drabs. He fitted an arrow into his bow, but then screamed again in

frustration—how could he fire into the crowd and not kill his own? The scene below him was

one of complete chaos, everywhere the Avar and Icarii were snarled with the Skraelings. Some of the Icarii were lifting out of the death below him, many with grievous wounds and torn wings,

but the Avar were being massacred.

The SkraeBolds howled in delight. Every now and again they turned to strike down one

of the Icarii who had managed to lift out of the tangled mess, their clawed hands and feet ripping

wings to shreds in instants. They had a mission here this night, and it was not simply to disrupt

the Yuletide rite. They flapped lazily towards the burning circle, keeping a prudent distance from

the flames. They were angry now as their silver eyes searched the crowd below them. They had

thought to disrupt the rite before it got this far, before the circle burned, but StarDrifter had

hurled the flaming brand before they had a chance to act.

The Banes and Enchanters were as helpless as the Crest-Leaders and the tattered

remnants of the Strike Force hovering impotently above. Even their wards of protection would

do little against this savage attack. For long minutes StarDrifter stood with his fellows, encircled

by dying Icarii and Avar, watching the grey mist-like wave of wraiths creep closer and closer to

them. Then, before they had time to act, in whatever way they could imagine, the SkraeBolds


The Skraelings rushed the walls in a massed attack, hooking their talons into the minute

cracks in the masonry and gradually clawing their way towards the battlements, their silver eyes

gleaming obscenely in the dim light that the torches threw down. Axis leaned over the

battlements, his eyes and mouth grim, watching the creatures as they howled and whispered their

way to the top of the walls. If anything they had become even more solid since he had last

encountered them on patrol, flesh extended down to their shoulders and through most of their

thin, stick-like arms and legs. Only their torsos were still misty, insubstantial. But their teeth,

hanging sharp in their oversized loose jaws, looked real enough. Too real.

Axis strode along the battlements. ―Stand fast!‖ he called. ―They will be easy prey, my

friends. They cannot clamber over in large numbers and we will stick their eyes before they

manage to gain a hold on the battlements. Stand fast!‖

Men responded and rallied as Axis strode among them.

―Are you ready?‖ Axis shouted above the increasing whisperings of the Skraelings.

―We hear your voice and we are ready, BattleAxe!‖ the men nearest him responded, and

gradually the cry spread along the walls of Gorkentown. ―BattleAxe! We hear your voice and we

are ready!‖

Then the killing began. The Skraelings clambered over the top of the battlements in wave

after wave, almost overwhelming the thousands of men who lined the walls ready to meet them.

But they were prepared, they had their BattleAxe among them, and they had been drilled

repeatedly about what they must do. Hands grasped Skraeling hair before the creatures could

grasp them, and swords, knives and lances were thrust time and time again into their plump

silver eyes. Wraiths screamed and lost their grip as their eyes burst, their disintegrating bodies

plummeting down to the snow below as their lives bled away.

But men screamed also. Scores fell, Skraelings clinging to their faces and necks, their

teeth sunk deep into the sweet flesh of the manlings, almost delirious with joy as they tasted their

flesh. Axis and Belial seemed everywhere at once. When one section of the wall looked set to

fall to the Skraelings, then one or the other, and sometimes both, were there to plunge into the

fray, rallying the spirit of their men, driving the attack back over the walls once more.

―Use the fire!‖ Axis screamed above the noise of the battle. ―Use the fire!‖

Men standing in wait lifted containers of oil to the battlements, tipping it over the edge,

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