Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

―I provoked the SkraeBold into attacking. I think that Gorgrael wanted me alive and

brought to him,‖ StarDrifter replied.

―Why?‖ RavenCrest glanced briefly at FarSight CutSpur who had just wandered up to the

group. ―Why would Gorgrael want you alive?‖

GoldFeather felt a shudder pass through StarDrifter as she supported his shoulders.

―Because all Enchanters need their parent to teach them,‖ he said, his voice tight, ―and Gorgrael,

like it or not, is as much an Icarii Enchanter as is the StarMan.‖

―I don‘t understand,‖ said FreeFall. ―If Gorgrael needs you to teach him, then how has he

achieved so much power already?‖

―As Barsarbe stitched my wounds I thought about that, long and hard.‖ StarDrifter

grimaced. ―It was one way to keep my mind from the pain. FreeFall, all Enchanters derive their

power from the music of the Star Dance, the music that the Stars make as they dance through the

heavens.‖ RavenCrest and FreeFall nodded. ―But I think Gorgrael, to this point, has derived his

power from somewhere else,‖ StarDrifter continued, turning to look slowly about the rest of the

group. His eyes lingered momentarily on Azhure, sitting to one side, looking wan and dispirited.

―I think that Gorgrael derives his power from the discord that also floats about between the stars.

The disharmonies that are made when the Stars miss their step, when they crash one into the

other, when they forget the Dance to the extent that they swell into great red giants and explode.

There are two types of music among the Stars, my friends. The Star Dance is the loudest and it is

the one that all Enchanters are taught to listen to and to derive their power from. But underlying

the Star Dance is a subtle thread of discord, of disharmony, the dance that leads Stars to their

death—a Dance of Death. Many Enchanters have feared that one day an Enchanter would learn

to use that music as well. I think that one now has.‖

―But who taught Gorgrael to use that…‖ FreeFall began again, his pale brow knitted in


StarDrifter cut FreeFall off before he had the chance to finish the question that he feared

most of all. ―Perhaps Gorgrael now wants me to teach him how to use the Star Dance—the

Dance of Life and of Harmony. If Gorgrael can control both harmony and discord then nothing

will stop him. Not even his brother. And once he has conquered this world then he could move

out into the universe. The Destroyer would step through the Star Gate.‖

StarDrifter‘s words were so shocking, so appalling, that all were silent. StarDrifter

watched the reactions about him—the worst he had not voiced. Gorgrael could not have simply

learned to use the music of discord by himself. Someone had taught him. But who? Who?

StarDrifter wanted to think about that longer and more deeply. And he also wanted to examine

his other son, Axis. What talents did he display?

RavenCrest stirred and glanced at FarSight before looking back at StarDrifter. ―Brother,

you are about to receive a Strike Force guard strong as my own or that of FreeFall‘s. Your safety

is now even more paramount than that of your son‘s.‖

―And what of Axis?‖ FreeFall asked. EvenSong sat forward a little.

―We must help him,‖ StarDrifter said quietly. ―The route south through the Avarinheim is

denied Gorgrael for as long as the Earth Tree sings. She has laid such a powerful ward over the

entire northern Avarinheim that even Gorgrael cannot break through. If he wants to push south then he will have to do so through Gorken Pass. And to do that he will have to destroy


―How can you suggest that we help the Groundwalkers?‖ FarSight was aghast. It was the

Acharites, under the leadership of the Seneschal, who had pushed both the Icarii and the Avar

behind the Fortress Ranges.

―We have no choice, FarSight,‖ StarDrifter said quietly. ―Remember the Prophecy. We

must all reunite to defeat Gorgrael. And must I point out that Axis is also one of your


―At least he has enough Icarii blood to sing as an Icarii Enchanter,‖ FarSight retorted, not

appeased by StarDrifter‘s arguments.

RavenCrest watched the exchange. He had his own reservations about helping the

Acharites at Gorkenfort.

―StarDrifter,‖ he said gently. ―I know you want us to go to the aid of your son. But aiding

the Acharites is not a decision to be taken lightly. It is not a decision to be taken in haste.‖ He

looked around the group, but particularly to FreeFall and FarSight. ―We must convene an

Assembly in the central chamber of Talon Spike to discuss this matter.‖

Although in most daily business the Talon‘s word was law, major decisions needed the

approval of the Assembly of the Icarii, a body composed of all Icarii over the age of twenty-five.

It was an unwieldy and raucous body, but RavenCrest was justifiably concerned that if he

ordered the Strike Force to assist Gorkenfort without consulting the Assembly then the Icarii

would rebel.

―By the Stars, RavenCrest! If the Skraelings have attacked Gorkenfort as they did here,

then how can they hold them? The Earth Tree does not sing for them!‖ StarDrifter cried,

grabbing his brother‘s arm. ―Why can‘t the Strike Force fly to their aid now?‖

―It is not a decision to take lightly!‖ RavenCrest hissed again at his brother.

―Then let us simply rescue my son! RavenCrest, listen to me!‖

―Father, perhaps StarDrifter speaks some sense,‖ FreeFall began. If Axis was the one to

face the Destroyer then he would be in desperate need of StarDrifter‘s training, natural talent or


RavenCrest whipped around to his son, his violet eyes blazing. ―I am not going to make a

decision that overlooks a thousand years of hatred between our races, FreeFall! Axis or not, I am

loath to go to the aid of those who would as willingly murder us as listen to us!‖

FreeFall stood up and stepped back, glancing at EvenSong. ―As you wish, father. As you

wish.‖ He strode away into the clearing, EvenSong hastening after him.

As the group broke up, Barsarbe approached Azhure. ―I have not yet thanked you

personally, Azhure,‖ she said, her face expressionless, ―for your actions last night.‖

Azhure stood up, straightening her tunic. ―I know you don‘t approve…‖ she began, but

Barsarbe interrupted.

―We do not like violence, yet your actions saved us. Azhure, I cannot pre-empt a decision

of the Meet, but I am sure that at Beltide the Clans will reconsider favourably your request to

join us.‖

Staring at her, Azhure wondered if the Icarii had pressured Barsarbe into making this

offer. Azhure swallowed. She did not know what to say.

―Azhure.‖ StarDrifter‘s voice interrupted her thoughts. He was leaning on GoldFeather‘s

arm, smiling warmly at her. ―Azhure, come home with GoldFeather and myself. I owe you my

life, but I make this offer out of friendship.‖

GoldFeather added her plea to her husband‘s. ―Oh, Azhure, please! I would love you to

come. Talon Spike is a wondrous place.‖

Azhure couldn‘t resist StarDrifter‘s smile or the genuineness of both his and

GoldFeather‘s invitation.

―Thank you,‖ she said. ―I would like to see Talon Spike.‖



Less than forty-eight hours after the tragedy of Yuletide Eve the Icarii assembled for the

long flight home. Debate between the Avar and Icarii had continued about what to do, but

RavenCrest remained adamant that he wouldn‘t commit to aiding Gorkenfort until the full

Assembly of the Icarii met to discuss it in the Chamber of Talon Spike. RavenCrest had no

qualms about pulling the Icarii Strike Force out of the Avarinheim. Earth Tree still sang strong

and true and her Song would continue to protect the Avarinheim from the incursions of Gorgrael.

No SkraeBold or Skraeling could come within range of the Song and live.

The flight across the Icescarp Alps to Talon Spike would be arduous. The seething winds

between the sharp peaks of the Alps created dangerous gusts and shears that could drag an

unwary Icarii to their death on the black cliffs below. They would have to fly high and fast

through the thin air of the upper atmosphere, and because of the lack of suitable landing places

they would have to make the entire distance in one continuous flight lasting almost twenty-four

hours. Two farflight scouts had already left to alert the Icarii in Talon Spike of the tragedy of

Earth Tree Grove.

RavenCrest watched the Icarii mass, anxious to return home, but wondering whether they

should perhaps have waited another day or two. He had tried to weigh the value of the

flightworthy Icarii resting muscles already sore and strained against the advantage of the winds

which currently favoured them on the way home. No, he decided, it was best they leave now.

With most of the Strike Force in the groves, Talon Spike itself was badly under-protected, and

RavenCrest needed to be back in the Spike to hear the reports of the scouts over Gorken Pass.

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