Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

must be shunned as the habitats of evil creatures. Only tamed landscape, cultivated landscape, is

good, because it has been subjected to mankind. The Way of the Plough is all about order, and

about the earth and nature subjected to the order of mankind.

WAY OF THE WING, The: a general term sometimes used to describe the lifestyle of

the Icarii.

WESTERN MOUNTAINS: the central Acharite mountain range that stretches west from

the River Nordra to the Andeis Sea.

WIDEWALL BAY: a large bay that lies between Achar and Coroleas. Its calm waters

provide excellent fishing.

WIDOWMAKER SEA: vast ocean to the east of Achar. From the unknown islands and

lands across the Widowmaker Sea come the sea raiders that harass Coroleas and occasionally


WILDDOG PLAINS, The: a plain that stretches from northern Ichtar to the River Nordra

and is bounded by the Fortress Ranges and the Urqhart Hills. Named after the packs of roving

dogs that inhabit the area.

WING: the smallest unit in the Icarii Strike Force consisting of twelve Icarii (male and


WING-LEADER: the commander of an Icarii Wing.

WOLFSTAR: the ninth and most powerful of the Enchanter-Talons buried in the Ancient

Barrows. He was assassinated early in his reign.

WORSHIP HALL: the large hall built in each village where the villagers go each seventh

day to listen to the Service of the Plough. It is also used for weddings, funerals and the

consecration of newborn infants to the Way of the Plough. It is usually the most well-built

building in each village.

WRAITHS: see Skraelings.

YR: sometime palace cat in Carlon.

YSBADD: capital city of Nor.

YSGRYFF, Baron: lord of Nor, and a somewhat wild and unpredictable man like all

those of his province.

YULETIDE: see ―Festivals‖.

About the Author

Sara Douglass was born in Penola, South Australia, and moved to Adelaide when she was

seven. She spent her early working life as a nurse before completing three degrees at the

University of Adelaide. After receiving a PhD in early modern English history, Sara worked as a

Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at La Trobe University, Bendigo. She left University to start

her own business in 2000.

Sara is the author of 11 novels, three of which have won the Aurealis Award for Best

Fantasy Novel, most recently in 2001 for The Wounded Hawk.

Sara lives in Bendigo, Victoria.

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