Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

Eventually they became aware of a faint sound of wind echoing up the stairs around


―What‘s that?‖ Faraday whispered, and felt Timozel touch her shoulder reassuringly.

―It is the sound of the Star Gate,‖ Yr replied. Her voice was stiff with barely suppressed

excitement, and Faraday looked at Timozel, intrigued.

The sound grew louder as they got closer and a faint blue light began to augment that of

their lamps. Finally the light was strong enough for Jack to ask Yr to douse her lamp, and after a

moment‘s hesitation Timozel did the same. Yr was almost pushing Jack‘s back in her eagerness

to get to the bottom of the stairwell.

―Peace, Yr, we‘re almost there,‖ grumbled Jack though he was also keenly excited. He

had seen the Star Gate on three previous occasions, yet three hundred viewings would never be

enough for him.

As they rounded one more bend, the stairs abruptly ended in a long corridor that angled

towards an open archway in the distance. Blue light and sound pulsed at them from the far side

of the archway. Jack stopped them for a moment, although Yr looked so excited that for a

moment Faraday thought she might break and run down the corridor towards the strange blue

light. Her heart began to pound, and Timozel pulled her a little closer to his body, thinking she

needed reassurance.

―There is no danger as long as you do not step through the Star Gate,‖ Jack said, his eyes

keen as they searched those of Faraday and Timozel. ―But there are one or two things that I must

warn you of. Yr? Do you listen as well?‖ Yr nodded her head impatiently, her eyes on the distant

archway. Jack turned back to Faraday and Timozel. ―No human has been down here for almost a

thousand years, and in the time of the Icarii rule it was rare indeed that a human was allowed to

see the Star Gate. This is one of the most sacred Icarii sites in this land, so treat it with due

reverence. The Star Gate is very beautiful, and it will tempt you to step through. You can hear it

sing now. But if you do that you will never come back. Do you understand?‖ Both Faraday and

Timozel nodded.

―Well then, let us enter the Chamber of the Star Gate.‖

Timozel gripped Faraday‘s hand tightly as they followed Jack and Yr. He was a

Champion and he would lead great armies; there was no need to fear this blue light.

As soon as they stepped through the archway into the Chamber of the Star Gate, their

ears were buffeted by the sound of a gale, although not a breath of wind touched their faces.

Faraday‘s first impression, after she had adjusted to the sound, was that the chamber was

a smaller, if more exquisite, version of the Chamber of the Moons in the palace of Carlon. It was

perfectly circular and surrounded by pillars and archways. Each of the pillars was carved from

translucent white stone in the shape of a naked, winged man. Most of the men stood with their

heads bowed and arms folded across their chests, wings lifted and outstretched so as to touch those of the men next to them, their touching wingtips forming the apex of the archways.

Faraday noticed that an entire section of pillars across the far side of the chamber were different.

These winged men had their heads up and their eyes wide open, golden orbs staring towards the

centre of the chamber, their arms uplifted in joy with their wings. She did not have to count to

know that there were twenty-six.

―Faraday,‖ Timozel whispered, and when she turned to look at him he pointed towards

the vaulted ceiling of the chamber. Blue shadows leaped and chased each other across the white

stone vault. Like demons, Timozel thought.

―Oh!‖ Faraday gasped, ―it‘s beautiful!‖

―It is not there you should be looking, lovely lady, but beneath the shadows,‖ said Jack,

standing in the middle of the archway they had come through, his extended arm indicating what

looked like the low rim of a large circular pool which occupied the centre space of the floor.

Faraday walked towards the pool, dragging a reluctant Timozel with her. She was almost

breathless with excitement. A few paces from the pool Timozel baulked; he would go no further.

Faraday let Timozel‘s hand go and walked to the rim, it was about knee height and wide enough

to sit on comfortably. Without hesitation or a backward glance, Faraday sat down. Deep blue

light pulsed across her face and reflected far above on the stone vault.

Faraday‘s lips parted and her eyes widened. For a few moments she forgot to breathe. Yr

and Jack joined her at the rim, and for long minutes all three stared transfixed into the Star Gate.

The circular pool contained no water; instead, to all intents and purposes, it contained the

universe. The real one, not the faint shadow that lights the night sky. Stars reeled and danced,

suns chased each other across galaxies, moons dipped and swayed through planetary systems,

luminous comets threaded their mysterious paths through the cosmos. The sound of vast

interstellar winds roared out into the chamber and a luminous deep blue light pulsed through the

Star Gate. Its depths stretched into infinity.

Faraday opened her mouth to say something to Jack, sitting next to her, but there were no

words to describe what she saw. She started to cry through sheer wonder at the incredible beauty

and majesty of the Star Gate. No wonder the Icarii worshipped here and, when they could not be

here, worshipped the Star Gate‘s reflection in the night sky. Artor paled into utter insignificance

for Faraday as she battled to come to terms with what she saw. Nothing she had been taught

about Artor and the Way of the Plough could compare with this. She envied with every fibre of

her being the Enchanter-Talons who had stepped through this Gate. What incredible joy they

must have felt as they slid over the rim of the pool and into infinity! Perhaps even now they

joined the stars themselves as they danced through the universe. ―Ah,‖ she moaned, longing to

join them, wondering if she would be good enough for the Gate to accept her. Her hands

stretched towards the Star Gate.

Jack‘s arm slid about her shoulders. ―No, sweet one. No, do not be tempted. It is not for

you or I to step through this Gate. Only an Icarii Enchanter powerful beyond telling could ever

hope to survive.‖

Faraday dragged her eyes away from the Star Gate and looked at Jack. His cheeks

showed the trail of tears as well. ―So, it is not only the dead Enchanter-Talons who go through?‖

Jack thought carefully before he replied. ―No. It is said that one day the Icarii will breed

an Enchanter powerful enough to journey through the Gate and manage to come back out again.

I do not know what he would find there.‖

Or what he did find there, he thought. His eyes slipped momentarily to the line of

twenty-six statues whose arms were uplifted in joy.

Faraday‘s eyes had drifted back to the Star Gate and she did not notice Jack‘s glance. ―I

do not know why he would ever want to come back out again,‖ she whispered.

―It is good that you have seen this,‖ Jack said quietly. ―It will help you through the next

years of your life. Remember it always.‖

―Always,‖ Faraday echoed fiercely, and then Jack was pulling her back from the brink

and handing her to Timozel who still refused to look into the Gate. ―Keep her back, now, lad,‖

Jack said, and Timozel nodded, annoyed at being called lad, but pleased that Jack had entrusted

Faraday to his care.

Jack returned to the stone rim surrounding the Star Gate and spoke quietly to Yr, who

still sat enraptured by the Gate. After a moment she reluctantly inclined her head and stood up,

following Jack back to where Timozel and Faraday waited.

―Do each of these archways lead to a Barrow?‖ Timozel asked as Jack drew level with

him. ―There are more archways than Barrows.‖

―Only some of them lead to the Barrows. Others lead…elsewhere. The Icarii needed

access to the Star Gate through doorways other than those of the Barrows of the

Enchanter-Talons. And then there are others who ply their way to and from the Star Gate and use

corridors still stranger than those the Icarii used. Come, make sure Faraday follows, and I will

lead us out through another passage.‖

Jack took Yr‘s hand and led them towards one of the arches surrounded by sleeping

winged men. As they passed under, Faraday roused, turning for one last look at the Chamber of

the Star Gate.

―Why did they put wings on these men, Jack? Is it meant to symbolise their status as

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