Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

dressed warmly enough to spend a night on the ground.

After they finished drinking, Timozel surprised Faraday by producing a short knife from

his boot and asking her to cut his hair for him. It was too long, he complained, and the curls were

flopping in his eyes. She did the best she could, hacking away at his thick brown hair with the

knife, cutting it so that it lay flat against his scalp. After she finished Timozel took the knife from her hands and scraped away at his two-day-old growth of beard, but without hot water to assist

him he left a dark shadow spreading across his cheeks. Sitting back watching him scrub at his

cheeks with the knife, Faraday pondered that the Timozel sitting in the deepening dusk seemed

vastly older and more self-possessed than the youth she had shared the long ride from Carlon to

the ancient Barrows with.

Yr also sat, chin in hand, a thoughtful expression on her face as she regarded Timozel.

The experience below had changed him in some undefinable way, she mused, but, unlike

Faraday, she wondered if the change was more than just the simple maturing of a youth into a

man. The Halls of the StarFarers had done stranger things before than merely make a youth grow


During the walk north through the night the small group were buffeted by freezing head

winds which made them shiver and stumble. Jack kept them moving, striding at their head with

the staff held high, his pigs trotting along at his heels. Timozel had resumed his appointed place

by Faraday‘s side, supporting her whenever she lost her footing, and sometimes lending a hand

to Yr as well. No-one felt like talking; it took all their energy simply to keep placing one foot in

front of the other.

The plains of western Arcness were as barren of life as the plains of Tarantaise had been.

Most of these southern plains were used as grazing lands for cattle and sheep during the summer

months, but as winter approached the shepherds and cattlemen drove their herds closer to the

scattered villages for protection. According to Jack, only a few hardy pig herds still roamed the

plains, and even they would be heading for their winter shelters soon enough.

Timozel, when he‘d still had breath for conversation, had asked Jack where they were

going, and how he planned on getting Faraday to Gorkenfort.

―North,‖ Jack had replied tersely. ―We head north in as direct a line as possible. If we can

reach Tailem Bend on the River Nordra we may be able to hire horses at Jervois Landing for the

last part of the journey through Ichtar. The route to Gorkenfort is well-marked and Duke

Borneheld has, over the past few years, established plentiful supply stations along the way. With

luck there should be few problems.‖

Timozel asked why Jack and Yr didn‘t simply take Faraday to one of the major towns or

forts, perhaps Kastaleon, or even back to Carlon, where they could hire the type of transport her

rank entitled her to. Jack looked at him as though he were a muddle-headed youth. ―Because

no-one would understand her desperate desire to reach Borneheld,‖ he snapped. ―They‘d do their

utmost to prevent her going any further north than the safety of Carlon.‖

Timozel nodded quietly to himself. It was the answer he‘d expected. He was not at all

comfortable with this lonely journey north, and not at all comfortable with the companions that

he and Faraday had landed. But if nothing else, Timozel understood Faraday‘s wish to be with

Borneheld. Every Lady needed her Lord beside her and fretted the days while they were apart.

They had worked out a cover story should anyone meet them by chance in this lonely

spot. The Lady Faraday, her maid Yr, and her escort had been heading across the plains of

Arcness towards Arcen when they had been hit by the dreadful storm of several days previously.

Timozel was the only one of her escort to escape the ice spears. All their horses had been killed.

Lost in the featureless rolling plains, they had been spotted by Jack, driving his pigs north to

shelter for the winter in the hills of the Bracken Range. Genial good-hearted fellow that he was,

Jack was leading them towards closest civilisation, the towns of Rhaetia to the north-west. It was a slender story, but it would have to do.

Jack let them rest again just as dawn was breaking to the east. Faraday had spent the last

half a league leaning heavily on Timozel for support, while Yr had started to stumble badly

every forty or fifty paces, grazing the skin from her hands and knees as she tumbled to the

ground time after time. They huddled together in a tight group in the lee of a small rise, pigs

gathered about, trying to keep as warm as they could in the freezing wind. Faraday clenched her

chattering teeth. She would have to make the journey worthwhile; Axis‘ life depended on her

keeping Borneheld‘s jealous temper under control. She wondered where Axis might be now, but

was too exhausted to pursue the thought. Her head dropped on Timozel‘s shoulder and she

lapsed into unconsciousness.

No sooner had she closed her eyes than Jack was calling for them to wake up and start

walking again. Her aching body protesting, Faraday struggled to her feet. Timozel wrapped his

arm about her waist, she was not sure whether to support her or to keep himself upright. Yr, head

and shoulders slumped, could barely keep step behind them as they started to walk again. Once

or twice Faraday heard a muffled thump behind her, but when she turned her head Yr was

struggling to her feet again, a determined look on her smooth face. Jack was the freshest of them

all, used to tramping these plains in all kinds of weather, though even he stumbled occasionally.

It was close to mid-morning when Jack finally waved them to a halt. Timozel and

Faraday were in such a catatonic state, their bodies and minds attuned only to putting one foot

before the other, that they almost crashed into Jack. Yr likewise stumbled into their backs, and

Timozel reached around and put his arm about her to keep her from falling.

―There,‖ Jack said, his voice showing signs of terrible strain, his hand too tired to do

more than wave vaguely before them. ―There. Goodman and Goodwife Renkin‘s farm.‖

Faraday peered ahead. About five hundred paces away lay a small farmlet nestled in a

small dip in the plains. Tidy fields and gardens surrounded a long, low stone house, its thatched

roof in good repair. A small amount of smoke came from the chimney, only to be whipped away

in the gusting wind. She gritted her teeth and started walking. She hoped they had both fire and


Goodman and Goodwife Renkin had both and more to offer. Startled from their

comfortable spot by the fire, they hastened to the door to find their friend Jack Simple standing

there with an exhausted noblewoman, her maid and, by Artor, an Axe-Wielder as escort! Apart

from Jack‘s muddled explanation about finding the trio wandering the plains after the dreadful

storm days before, all were clearly too exhausted to talk, so Goodwife Renkin hastened the two

women to the big bed built against the far wall, while the Axe-Wielder and Jack slumped down

on the wide wooden benches that ran along the wall by the fire, asleep almost before the

Goodwife could throw blankets over them. For a moment the Goodman and his Goodwife

simply looked at each other in amazement, then the Goodwife shrugged prosaically and walked

over to the larder. She would have to bake some more bread if they were to have so many guests

at once.

Faraday had never dreamed so wonderfully before. She was so happy, so free from pain

and care. She sat in an exquisite grove, surrounded by trees that stretched into infinity above her

and yet, when she raised her head to look, beyond them spun myriad stars almost as

breathtaking as those of the Star Gate. She looked down. She was sitting cross-legged on sweet,

cool grass in the centre of the grove, wearing nothing but a soft linen shift, and at her breast

suckled a newborn baby. Faraday’s lips curved in a smile and she gently stroked the soft down

covering the babe’s round head. Tiny fingers, perfectly formed, kneaded at her breast. Faraday

felt infinitely fortunate to be here in this place and with this babe, and she cuddled the baby as

close as she dared, crooning to it as it continued to suck. A shadow fell across her lap and

Faraday looked up, startled. She frowned a little at the intrusion, then smiled, for this strange

beast with the body of a man and the head of a white stag was her friend. “You must leave here,”

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