Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

fixed a bright smile on her face. She breathed a quick sigh of relief. Only one man sat in here on

guard, but as that one man turned to look at her Azhure‘s relief turned into dismay. It was Belial, the BattleAxe‘s lieutenant. Azhure hid her dismay by widening her smile. She rather liked Belial,

he had a good-humoured face yet acted decisively when needed. He might not be a hero, but he

had kind hazel eyes that now crinkled at her in some puzzlement. She did not want to hurt Belial,

but she would do what she had to do to save the Avar man.

―What are you doing here at this time of night?‖ he asked, rising to his feet, puzzled but

not anxious. Good.

Azhure made a face and smiled at the child. ―She wanted to see her father, and fretted at

me for so long that I had to bring her.‖ Azhure made her face fall, and she leaned a little closer to

whisper to Belial. ―And tomorrow morning…well, I couldn‘t refuse her one last hour spent with

him, could I?‖

Belial relaxed a little. Of all the Smyrton villagers in the cellar this afternoon Azhure had

shown the most courage and independence; besides, she was very attractive. Belial was normally

a little shy around beautiful women, but Azhure did not flaunt her beauty nor seek to use it to

intimidate. He patted the child a little awkwardly on her head. ―Poor little girl.‖

―Yes, I know.‖ Azhure simply wanted to get this over and done with. She could see the

Avar man begin to stir behind the bars. He had been given water to wash and was warmly

dressed against the night cold. Good. Azhure gritted her teeth a little, this was going to be hard.

Courage, girl, she repeated to herself. You have already killed once tonight, and that a man you

called father. Surely disabling this stranger should not be a problem.

But Hagen had beaten her and abused her. Belial had done nothing but treat her with

kindness and respect and now displayed touching tenderness towards the child in her arms.

Azhure stretched her smile until she thought she must look like a grinning idiot. ―Do you think

perhaps…?‖ she said, tilting her head towards the door of the cell.

―Oh, of course,‖ Belial smiled at her. ―Let me get the keys.‖

Azhure slipped the child down onto the floor and followed Belial across the cellar. As he

bent down to pick the keys up from the stool where he had left them, Azhure pulled a fist-sized

rock from the deep pocket in her black apron. She raised it high above her head, her hand

trembling, and, just as Belial was starting to rise, she brought it down, dealing Belial a heavy

blow to the back of his skull. He twisted as he fell, his eyes registering a moment‘s surprise

before they rolled up into his head and he collapsed unmoving on the stone floor. Azhure stared

at him for a moment, unable to believe she had actually hit him. She dropped the stone beside

Belial‘s body and started to shake, raising her hands to her face. What had she done?

―Quick!‖ a voice hissed behind her. ―The keys!‖

She turned and saw the Avar man standing by the cell door, his eyes intense. ―The keys!‖

he repeated. Azhure reached across the floor to where they had fallen and slid them over to the

Avar man. He had the door open in an instant. He picked the child up and grabbed Azhure‘s arm.

―Come,‖ he said, his voice quieter now, ―you must come with me. You know that your friends

will kill you too, now.‖

Azhure nodded and stood, her legs still weak with shock. She glanced one more time at

Belial, hoping he wasn‘t dead. ―Sorry,‖ she whispered, then the Avar man was pulling her

towards the stairs.

Axis could not sleep. He had tossed and turned in his bedroll, listening to the sounds of

the night, until finally he decided that there was no use pretending he was going to sleep and

rolled out of his blankets, slipped into his clothes, strapped on his weapon belt and headed into the night.

He nodded to the perimeter guards as he passed them. He still felt troubled by the events

of the afternoon. The condition of the Avar man and child had appalled him. He had seen death

and agony many times on the battlefield, but never before had he seen such wanton cruelty. And

all in the name of the Seneschal, all in the name of Artor and the Way of the Plough. Axis had

been repelled by the blood lust in the villagers‘ eyes, and now, as he was walking through the

crisp cold air, he was repelled by the thought of the sight he would witness this morning.

He cursed himself as he wandered down the pathway approaching the Worship Hall. He

needed to talk with Belial to calm his nerves.

The moment he descended into the cellar he knew what had happened. The cell door

yawned wide and Belial lay sprawled in an unmoving heap over by the far wall. Axis crossed the

cellar in five strides and gently rolled Belial over. He was still breathing, but he had a huge lump

on the back of his head. Whoever had hit him had done a good job.

And Axis thought he knew who might have done it.

Axis took the stairs out of the cellar three at a time and ran the distance between the

Worship Hall and Hagen‘s house in the space of six heartbeats. He burst through the door

without bothering to knock. Hagen lay in a pool of blood beside the bed, a knife sticking out of

his belly. A bloodied towel lay on the table; and Azhure and the Avar girl were nowhere to be

seen. Axis cursed and checked the man‘s body—it was cool—and Axis cursed again.

He ran outside again and quickly orientated himself under the early morning sky. Azhure

and the Avar man would have run for the Forbidden Valley…and Arne had set up the

Axe-Wielders‘ camp on the opposite side of the village. There was no time to rouse their

support, and Axis refused to consider rousing the Smyrton villagers. The Forbidden Valley was

unpassable to horses, and the Avar and Azhure must be close to it by now. Axis cursed yet again,

low and vicious, as he turned and sprinted out of the village, heading northeast. Although he had

tried to save their lives, Axis thrust aside his previous sympathy for their plight and any thought

of simply letting them escape. Hagen was dead and, even more damning in Axis‘ eyes, Belial lay

assaulted and helpless after both he and Axis had trusted Azhure. His bonds and loyalties to the

Seneschal demanded that the BattleAxe take revenge for the death of the Plough-Keeper, the

assault of one of the most senior Axe-Wielders, and the escape of the Forbidden.

Axis was a strong and fit man, and once beyond the village he quickly settled into an easy

stride. The entrance to the Forbidden Valley lay less than half a league from Smyrton along flat

and easy terrain; Axis was determined to give the Avar man and Azhure a run for their pains.

Yet as he ran a small troubling voice nagged inside his head.

Why not let them escape? Why not simply say that you tried your best, and stop here, and

let them escape into the night?

Damn it! Axis thought as the disturbing question would not go away. I cannot betray my

trust to the Seneschal—it has protected me and supported me all my life.

And yet how strange that you wanted to save them from Hagen. How does that serve the


Axis panted for breath as he drew closer to the Forbidden Valley. Could he admit to

himself that his guilt at earlier trying to save the Avar man and child now drove him desperately

to catch the runaways? Before they had not killed, he told himself angrily, now they have.

Was it the Avar who killed or was it the Nors woman?

She killed for them. She killed to help them. And in accepting her offer of help they

became accomplices in the murder of a Brother of the Seneschal. His blood stains their hands equally. I am doing the right thing, Axis told himself fiercely.

And how can you blame the man for taking the child and running, Axis Rivkahson, when

the Seneschal was preparing to burn him today? What threat does he pose to the Seneschal, to

Achar, that he should be burned?

He is one of the Forbidden! They are both of the Forbidden! I cannot betray the

Seneschal‘s trust in me. Now Axis‘ lungs were beginning to burn with the effort of pulling in as

much air as he could manage, and still it wasn‘t enough.

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