Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

have none of it! Artor-fearing men will drive back these invaders, not the ensorcelled souls of the Forbidden! You‘re lucky I don‘t have you summarily executed for subversive

rumourmongering!‖ He was shouting by the time he‘d finished.

Both Ogden and Veremund stepped back, hands flapping anxiously among the skirts of

their habits, their alarmed eyes flying to Axis for help. But Borneheld was not yet finished.

―I will have none of this talk of prophecy in Gorkenfort or the town, do you hear me?‖

Axis waved the two old men back a few paces out of the way while Belial pondered the

fact that even now over three thousand Axe-Wielders were undoubtedly sharing news of the

Prophecy around the campfires of Borneheld‘s army. Borneheld would not be very pleased if

news of the Prophecy and of the StarMan gained acceptance as quickly among his own men as it

had among the Axe-Wielders. Jorge, Roland and Magariz all studied their hands and fingernails

with deep fascination. They all believed that the Prophecy needed further discussion. But

perhaps this was not the time to say so in front of Borneheld.

Borneheld finally dismissed Ogden and Veremund with a curt wave. They barely

managed to keep their gait to a walk as they fled the Hall.

―Axis,‖ Magariz said. ―We have only one or two pieces of information ourselves. The

wraiths, led by these ice creatures, have staged more numerous and more daring raids over the

past few weeks as the weather has deteriorated, but they have not seriously threatened

Gorkenfort or Gorkentown since the night they staged their extraordinary raids into the fort and

Retreat themselves.‖

―Do you have any idea how they managed to break through your defences on that

occasion, Magariz?‖ Axis asked.

Magariz‘s handsome face suddenly looked grey and haggard. ―I had been on patrol all

day, BattleAxe, and I had gone to sleep here in front of the fire. I awoke late in the night, cold

and stiff, the fire burned down to embers, to find the creatures about to strike. When I cried out

the sentries rushed in and tried to defend me—but they were cut to shreds while I barely escaped

with my life. The nightmare creatures left me unconscious and bleeding. How did they get in? I

do not know, BattleAxe. Perhaps they used dark enchantments to pass the guards and breach the

defences.‖ Magariz shuddered for a moment, remembering. ―They had wings, Axis. They must

have attacked from the sky.‖ He smiled a little at the expression on Axis‘ face. ―Yes. Wings.

Since that night the sentries watch the sky as assiduously as they watch the ground.‖

―Our patrols have seen them from time to time, leading bands of the wraiths,‖ Borneheld

said quietly, his anger at the two Brothers forgotten as he recalled those times he had led the

patrols outside the walls of Gorkenfort. ―I have seen them myself when I have led patrols. They

are…solidifying. Since the attacks began both the wraiths and their ice creature leaders are

becoming more flesh than ghostly apparition. We are losing many men and have yet to make a

significant impression on the wraiths.‖

Jorge considered his WarLord for a moment. Borneheld might have his moments of

ill-considered anger, and his jealousy of Axis might sometimes mar his judgement, but no-one

could call his bravery into question. He had done a superb task in organising Gorkenfort‘s

defences. For that alone he commanded their respect, while his position as WarLord demanded

their loyalty. Borneheld was a hard commander, demanding instant obedience and respect from

his men. But he was, as yet, a largely untried combat commander and had gained his position as

WarLord principally through his position as heir to the throne. Did he have the level head and the

skills to see them through this crisis? Could he rally men the way the BattleAxe had already

proved he could? Jorge‘s eyes flickered to Axis.

―Have the Ravensbundmen brought any more news from the north over the past few

weeks?‖ Belial asked, impressed that Borneheld had risked his life with that of his men.

Magariz slowly tapped the table with his fingers. ―They have told us these

Skraelings—their word for the wraiths—continue to flood south, keeping close to the Alps. They

dislike the Andakilsa; the Ravensbundmen saw some of the wraiths become trapped and dissolve

in the water.‖

To one side Borneheld frowned but did not speak. The wraiths did not like running water.

For days his mind had worried at that, wondering if a moat could protect Gorkenfort. He sighed


it was a shame the river was too far distant to try and divert any of its waters.

―But unfortunately the Ravensbundmen can no longer provide us with information,‖

Magariz continued.

―Why?‖ Axis asked.

―The flood of refugees from Ravensbund has suddenly dried up,‖ Roland explained. He

had found it difficult to balance his massive bulk on a small stool and was now standing by the

fire, his body throwing gigantic shifting shadows onto the far wall as he eased his weight from

leg to leg. ―We think it is not because all the Ravensbundmen have fled their icy home, but

because they have been cut off from their southerly escape route.‖

―That, or they‘ve all been eaten,‖ Jorge remarked. ―Axis, we‘ve discovered one slight

defence against these creatures. In small groups they can sometimes be repelled with fire,

although if they attack in force they can overwhelm burning brands. Now we equip all our

patrols with burning torches—it provides some protection.‖

―That is all you‘ve discovered?‖ Axis asked, realising as soon as the words were out of

his mouth that his question sounded insulting.

―Do you think you could learn more, BattleAxe? Do you think you can do better than

those dozens of my soldiers who have died over the past months?‖ Borneheld snarled, enraged.

Axis began to apologise but Borneheld was not done. ―Will you lead the morning patrol,

BattleAxe? Then perhaps you can discover what it is that we have so dismally failed to perceive.

After all, a man who could lose so many of his men to a sudden rain squall, not to mention the

Lady Faraday and the youth Timozel to an earthfall, should have no trouble dealing with a few

dozen wraiths in the snow!‖

Axis leapt to his feet. Belial rose beside him and grabbed his arm, trying to restrain him,

but Axis threw him off. ―No-one calls my courage into question, brother! You have your patrol


―This is hardly necessary, Axis,‖ Roland started, but was interrupted by a voice from the

back of the Hall.

―Borneheld,‖ Faraday said clearly and sweetly, ―how mischievous of you to infer that

Timozel and I were dead.‖ She slowly started to walk towards the group at the other end of the

Hall, her entire will bent to keeping her eyes on Borneheld and not letting them drift towards


―Faraday!‖ Axis whispered, stunned by the sight of her. She was alive! What was she

doing here? He turned slightly to see the look on Borneheld‘s face. Oh, dear Artor, no! She

wouldn‘t, couldn’t, have done this to him!

―Ah,‖ Borneheld said, more than pleased by Axis‘ reaction. ―Perhaps you remember my

wife, BattleAxe. You lost her some weeks past.‖ Faraday joined Borneheld at his side and the

Duke placed a proprietorial arm about her waist. Faraday smiled at him, and then, finally, looked

at Axis. Only with an extraordinary effort did she keep her expression impassive as she ran her eyes over his shocked face.

Axis‘ distress at seeing Borneheld‘s arm resting around Faraday found release in anger at

her. ―How dare you!‖ Axis suddenly shouted, making everyone in the Hall jump. ―How dare you

wander off without letting anyone know that you were alive! Do you have any idea how much

grief you have caused? Do you?‖ His fist thumped on the table between them, papers and maps

scattering across the wood and drifting down to the floor. Faraday paled and Borneheld‘s arm

tightened about her waist.

―BattleAxe!‖ Borneheld began, but Axis completely ignored him. ―I suppose that young

idiot Timozel is here with you,‖ he seethed, turning around from glaring at Faraday and looking

down the Hall. Timozel was already halfway up the Hall, drawn to the defence of his Lady by

Axis‘ anger.

―And do you have any idea how much pain you have given your mother, Timozel?‖ Axis

hissed. ―Have you thought to contact her since you so wondrously rose from the dead? No? Why

am I not surprised? You may return to your unit, Timozel. I will finish with you tomorrow when

I am returned from patrol. Until then you are confined to sentry duty within your unit.‖

Timozel calmly looked him in the eye. ―No.‖

Belial thought for one moment that Axis was going to strike Timozel. The youth‘s

arrogance was appalling. He stepped forward, ready to intervene if he had to.

―Axis,‖ Faraday said urgently, ―when Timozel saved me from the earthfall he pledged to

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