Sara Douglass. The Twisted Citadel. DarkGlass Mountain: Book Two

two dawns ago—and all he could make out of it was its massiveness…and the sense of magic

that pervaded it. Today, as they”d ridden to their meeting with Aziel, Axis had seen the road

sloping its way up the lower part of the mountain to a set of two huge wooden gates, but not

much else apart from the world of rock that extended skyward.

But once through the gates…

Axis” first impression was of a deeper sense of magic. The second was that he and

Inardle had ridden into a forecourt that was already far too crowded. They pulled their horses

over to a far side and sat looking around.

The gates led into a semicircular forecourt, its straight back wall being formed by the

mountain itself. There were three large arched openings in this wall, and Axis spotted Egalion

walking out of one of them. He called the captain of the Emerald Guard over.

“Egalion? What is beyond those arches?”

“Another court, much larger than this one,” said Egalion. “And beyond that are gates and

doors and archways leading to stables, kitchens, corridors…I don”t know what else. It”s huge.

Ishbel is in the far court, trying to direct people and horses.” He grinned. “She”s losing her


Axis chuckled. “I”ll stay out of her way for the time being, then. Inardle, would you go

and try to get some sense of where she”s sending people? Of where are stables and dormitories,

where halls and chambers? Of where people are actually going? We”ll meet up again…ah, find

us a chamber, would you, if you can dare Ishbel”s temper? And send me word once you have

one, and we can meet there once all this fuss has died down.”

She nodded, riding her horse toward one of the archways leading to the court beyond.

Axis watched her go, checking her wings and shoulder for any frost.

But there was none, and, satisfied that she was in no immediate discomfort, Axis looked

back to Egalion.

“Can you send a unit of your Guard to assess the defenses, Egalion? So far as I can see,

this is the only entrance to the mountain, but I need to be sure.”

Egalion nodded, and strode off.

Axis went back to his silent study of the mountain as men and horses moved about him,

and Icarii dropped down from the sky to land on wall tops and ridges.

It looked like a mountain at first glance. There appeared to be little above the structures

of the forecourt and archways save slabs of rock.

But if he narrowed his eyes, Axis could almost see the structure beneath. The

“mountain,” the rock, was a falsehood.

Elcho Falling waited.

Axis jumped down from his horse, then led it through the confusion of the forecourt,

under one of the arches, and into the even greater confusion of the inner courtyard.

It took five or six hours to sort everyone out. Axis saw Inardle from time to time, either

talking with Ishbel or various commanders within the ranks of the Emerald Guard and the

Isembaard contingent. She stopped at one point to confer with Ezekiel, and laughed at something

he said, and Axis was glad that she was relaxed enough, and confident enough, to smile with the

Isembaardian general.

The chaos of the inner courtyard gradually abated as various units were assigned, and

then directed to, quarters within the mountain. Axis met Inardle briefly on the steps of the main

staircase leading deeper into the mountain, where she gave him directions to a chamber she”d

managed to obtain for them.

“What do you think?” he said to her, nodding about them.

“Of the mountain?”


She smiled again, transforming her face. “It”s excited.”

“You’re excited, I think,” he said, returning her smile.

“Yes, I am, but the mountain is as well. It knows Maximilian is here.”

“Perhaps. Has everyone found quarters?”

“Yes. Aziel left servants here who have been scurrying about leading people to chambers

and dormitories. Ishbel has been a help, too. Axis, the mountain is huge…there are doorways and

corridors and vast chambers everywhere. What Maximilian brought with him today will take up

only a hundredth of the space available, if that.”

“I”m going to find Egalion, and then Maxel. Get some rest, Inardle. You are starting to

look tired.”

All her diffidence returned. “I”m not so tired.”

“Get some rest, Inardle.” Axis touched her cheek, then ran lightly down the stairs, calling

out to Egalion, who was crossing a far corner of the courtyard.

Axis found Maximilian in the early evening in a massive space deep in the mountain. The

chamber was floored in smooth buffed stone and had a great domed roof of roughly chiseled

rock. When Axis entered, closing the door quietly behind him, Maximilian was standing in the

center of the space, looking at a far wall where hung chains and ropes.

The floor just beneath the restraints was discolored.

Maximilian turned very slightly as he heard Axis walk up behind him. “It is very quiet

here,” he said. “Very peaceful. Very still.”

“What is this place?” Axis asked.

“It is the Coil”s Reading Room,” said Maximilian. He nodded at the restraints hanging

from the wall. “That is where Ishbel caused her victims to be chained, and where she

disemboweled them, and where they died in agony while Lister pretended great wisdom and

beneficence and spoke to her through the windings of their bowels.”

Axis looked at Maximilian curiously, not sure how to respond.

“Oh, I have made my peace with Ishbel”s past, Axis,” Maximilian said. “I stand here and

feel…slightly saddened, I think, that this is what Elcho Falling came to for so many hundreds of


“What will you do with it?” Axis said.

“Before I raise Elcho Falling,” Maximilian said, “Ishbel will need to unwind the taint of

the Coil from the mountain. She will cleanse it, so that Elcho Falling can rise anew. This

chamber, and anything that has any association with the Coil, will be destroyed.”

“Where is Ishbel now?”

“Gone visiting her old haunts, I believe. Gone to sit in empty chambers and reflect.”

Then Maximilian smiled, that sudden, unexpected expression which lit up his face. “But

enough of the past. What has Egalion said?”

“About the defenses?”

Maximilian nodded. “And stores, and whatever it is we need to maintain a possible siege

in this place—although unless Armat arrives within the next day or so I doubt Serpent”s Nest

will need to contend with a siege.”

“Well, the news is mostly good. The only entrance into the mountain is via the gates we

entered by, unless Armat wants to set his men to weeks of mountain climbing. The gates

themselves can be shut, barred, and bolted, and each has a strong metal portcullis which can be

lowered into position to reinforce it. The gate access to the inner courtyard likewise. The

mountain is easily defensible—Armat would lose most of his men just trying to get them in the


“So he”ll need to talk us out with sweet words.”

“Very sweet words.”

“And stores?”

“Egalion says the mountain is extraordinary. The cellars and basements are packed with

dry goods and salted and smoked meats and preserves. There are also wells deep under the

mountain which will provide fresh drinking water for many months, if not years. Even the horses

are well provided with hay and grain stores. I have no idea where Aziel would have—”

“The mountain provided them, Axis.”

“Well, if it could do this as Serpent”s Nest, then I can only expect that as Elcho Falling it

will wrestle Armat to the ground for us, as well.”

Maximilian laughed, the sound ringing through the cavernous chamber. “Don”t get your

hopes up, Axis.”

“When will you raise Elcho Falling, Maxel?”

“In two or three days. I”m not going to waste time.”

“BroadWing tells me that Armat is perhaps that distance behind us.”

“Then he will get a good showing for his arrival, eh? Have you heard anything of


“Yes. One of the Icarii scouts reported him two days to the south. He has perhaps twenty

thousand men with him, Maxel, and, knowing the Outlanders, they”ll be exceptional fighters.

Stars alone knows where Georgdi found them—the man is extraordinary.”

“Then pray he gets here before Armat, because I doubt Armat will be kind enough to just

wave Georgdi”s twenty thousand through the ranks of the besiegers.”

“Have you heard anything about Eleanon and the Lealfast?” Axis said.

Maximilian nodded. “Eleanon contacted me briefly earlier today. He says he is bringing

the Lealfast fighters in this evening.”

Axis grunted.

“Be careful with Eleanon, Axis.”

“What? I shouldn”t hurt his feelings? I will be as careful as needed, Maxel, but I won”t

coddle him. He”ll have to accept BroadWing”s command, and somehow, somehow, they”re going

to have to be ready to fight within the week if Armat does what we expect. It isn”t long enough

to transform them into usefulness. Oh, don”t look at me like that. I will be careful enough.”

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