Saberhagen, Fred 03 – Stonecutter’s Story

They descended from the chapel and walked straight out of the White Temple complex. Without ever looking back the urchin entered the bazaar nearby, and moved through it on a zigzag path. Still following, Kasimir suddenly wondered if someone, Wen Chang or an agent of the Watch, might now be following him in turn. If so, it would be easy for anyone loitering in the bazaar to see them and call of the scheduled meeting. Of course if it was Wen Chang himself on Kasimir’s tail, he was said to have the capability of making himself invisible . . .

After a few more unhurried and apparently random turns through the marketplace, the ragged child turned suddenly down a side street, one even narrower than most, where he continued to move unhurriedly along. Still the boy did not look back, and Kasimir remained five or six paces behind him.

At last his guide did turn. Stopping at a doorway, the urchin indicated with a brief gesture that Kasimir was to enter it. Then he darted away to vanish in the crowded street.

Kasimir looked the place over; at first glance it appeared quite innocuous, a cheap tearoom three-quarters full of customers. He went in. Seeing no one he could recognize, he took a chair at one of the empty tables and waited for what would happen next.

A waiter came and he ordered tea. Then somehow, before he had any clue that she was near, Natalia was standing at his table, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

She was dressed approximately as he had seen her at their last scheduled meeting, and today she looked tired but still energetic. When their eyes met, Kasimir did his best to look as innocent as he must have been when they first encountered each other.

Natalia’s expression was one of calm alertness, which told him nothing. There was a moment of silence, which threatened to stretch out to an awkward length.

“So,” Kasimir began at last, clearing his throat. “You have ceased to be a model?”

“I posed this morning. But in another day or two I am going to quit.” She paused. Her remarkable eyes flickered, and her husky voice changed. “Kasimir-when did you last see me?”

“At the same moment that you saw me last.” His tea had arrived, and he took a deliberate sip, his eyes not leaving hers. “Would you like to order something?”

Natalia’s total control of her expression lapsed. “All right. I am very sorry that I almost killed you last night. The moment I realized it was you, I gave up trying to kill you and ran away instead.”

“For which I am grateful,” Kasimir said. “We both survived last night, and I am glad of it. Where is the Sword now?”

“First I would like some tea.” She put out a hand to detain a passing servant, and placed her order. Then she turned back to Kasimir and spoke in a low voice. “I came here today, taking a considerable risk, to talk to you about that.”

He said briskly: “It seems we are both accustomed to taking some risks in the course of our jobs. How much do your people want for Stonecutter?”

Natalia shook her head. “I wish you wouldn’t be in such a hurry. It’s not that easy.”

“Why not? This is your business, isn’t it? Stealing things and selling them for the best price you can get? Or it’s a good part of your business anyway, I should think.”

“The idea seems to make you angry, Kasimir.”

“Well, I suppose it does. I’m angry that you made a fool of me. But that’s beside the point, isn’t it?”

“I suppose it is. Well, as for selling you the Sword, I can’t quite do that yet.”

“What does that mean? We haven’t even started haggling about the price.”

She turned her head to right and left, as if trying to make sure that they were not being overheard. It seemed highly unlikely that anyone could eavesdrop in the noisy room. Then she said: “It means that the organization I work for has concluded an agreement with the Red Temple. According to the agreement, de Borron must be allowed to use the Sword to finish his work there-he has until the first day of the Festival to complete it. Then the Sword comes back to us, and we are free to make some other disposition of it.”

“The Red Temple doesn’t mind it being known that they’re using stolen property.”

“You won’t be able to prove it, or do anything about it.”

“The Festival begins day after tomorrow.”

“Exactly. So you won’t have long to wait.”

“So in my view right now shouldn’t be too soon for us to begin our bargaining.”

“It is a little too soon.” Her voice was firm.

“I see. Perhaps you’ll be able to get in a quick robbery or two, at the Blue Temple, say, before you’ll accept our ransom.”

Natalia’s face was becoming totally unreadable again. “I won’t insist on anything like that.”

“And when do you want to discuss price? I assume there will be others bidding against us.”

“I will tell you when the time has come to discuss price. And now you had better go.”

“Just answer me one question first-”

“Now you had better go.”

This, he thought, was Natalia’s territory. He pushed back his chair and went.


IT was a tribute to his sense of direction, Kasimir thought, that he was able to reorient himself, and make his way out of the quarter of extra-narrow streets near the White Temple after making no more than one false start. In a few moments he was in half-familiar thoroughfares again, and heading back in the direction of the Inn of the Refreshed Travelers. He was angry, and thinking furiously as he walked.

When he tried to examine the reasons for his anger he understood that it had several causes. Part of it, he supposed, was a delayed reaction to his being nearly killed, probably by the very weapon he was supposed to be recovering, in the hands of a young woman who had made a fool of him. It did not help a bit to realize that he still found her attractive. And part of his anger was a result of his still being manipulated, largely by the same person- made to attend upon her, until it should be convenient for her to talk business. He was not really in control of anything.

Immersed in gloomy meditations of this kind, he was still at some distance from the inn when he heard his name called, jarring his attention back into focus on the world around him. Looking up he saw one of the Firozpur troopers of Komi’s squad, who was standing lounging in front of a tavern as if he had been stationed there simply to watch the street. When Kasimir approached, the man informed him that he was wanted inside the tavern.

When Kasimir demanded an explanation, the trooper only shrugged. Leaving the man in the street, Kasimir entered the tavern, pausing for a moment just past the threshold to allow his eyes to accustom themselves to the relative dimness. The general layout of this place reminded him strongly of the teahouse he had just left, except that here the windows were somewhat smaller and the room as a result notably darker.

Presently Kasimir caught sight of the Captain and the Magistrate, who were established at a table toward the rear of the large room, from which vantage point they were able to observe almost everything that went on inside the tavern, and something of the street outside. The two older men both waved to Kasimir. When he reached their table and pulled out a chair, they both expressed their pleasure that he was still alive.

“You sound surprised to see that I am,” he said grimly as he sat down.

Wen Chang shook his head. “Not really that. Come, sit down and tell us of your meeting with the fair Natalia.”

“We already know,” put in Almagro, “that she arranged for you to be escorted out of the White Temple and through the bazaar. It was there that my people lost sight of you.”

“Perhaps,” said Kasimir, “it was just as well that they did.” He ordered a mug of beer from a passing barmaid, and began to tell his mentors as concisely as possible the details of his meeting with the woman in the teahouse.

The Captain, listening intently, scowled and squinted and tugged at his beard. “So, the lady implies she’s willing to make a deal with us-but not just yet, if I understand her. And she’s some kind of leader in her gang, or wants to be.”

“That was certainly my impression,” said Kasimir.

“I’d say she must be fairly new in town, or I’d have run into her somewhere before.”

“A most reasonable deduction,” agreed Wen Chang. “Though most likely she has associates who are very familiar with the city.”

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Categories: Saberhagen, Fred