Sackett’s Land by Louis L’Amour

alert for the Jack, for floating snags, and for the sound that lay before us

where the river’s wide mouth ended. Clearing the river mouth finally we turned

into the main sound.

Midday was past, but no sail lifted against the sky. There were only clouds and

gulls, their white wings catching the modest flash of a sullen sun. Far away to

the east we thought we could see the coastal banks, yet we saw no mast, no dark

hull, only the gray water and behind us the darker green of the shore.

Huddled in the stern I unrolled my charts and gave them study. Two great sounds

were here protected from the sea by narrow coastal islands, and into these

sounds flowed several rivers, large and small. I believed it was the southermost

from which we had come. Several openings through the coastal banks permitted

access to the sounds from the sea, and these as well as some of the rivers were

mapped in astonishing detail. Obviously someone had explored this coast most

carefully, or portions of it, at least.

Through the night we sailed, taking turns at the tiller, the wind holding well.

At daybreak it fell off and we dipped and bobbed in a choppy sea, with the dim

gray line of dawn off to the northwest.

Visibility was poor, yet we saw no ship. The sun arose and after a while we

caught an offshore breeze and worked in closer to the shore, watching for a cove

or bay into which we might go for shelter.

It was a low shore when we found it, a swampy place, yet offering shelter. Sakim

threw a weighted line ashore and let it wind around a tree, then we hauled in

closer. Wading ashore, we made fast with a simple slipknot, knowing well how

swiftly we might leave.

We had a little food. We built a fire, ate, and I worked at making arrows for my


We saw no savages. A few ducks and geese flew up from time to time, and one of

the geese I killed with an arrow. Two of us slept onshore, the other on the

boat. We rested, ate, and rested again, and in the evening when I went down to

the sea to look for whatever might be seen, I saw a deer and killed it.

So we skinned it out, stretched the hide, and hung the meat for drying, aiding

the process with smoke.

We had carried our goods aboard the boat, all but the meat, and Sakim was taking

in our line, waiting for Rufisco and me, ready to shove off.

I heard a cry … a choked, hoarse cry.

Turning swiftly I saw Rufisco. There were four arrows in him and a dozen savages

rushing toward us. Sakim fired.

A man spun and dropped, but the others were not dismayed by the sound, and came

on. I caught up my sword and wheeled about, taking a wide slash as I turned, and

severing an uplifted arm holding a tomahawk. Sakim had dropped the one pistol

and lifted the fowling piece, which was charged with shot, and fired it into


They scattered, two dropped, one of them very bloody, and I rushed in and had

Rufisco by the collar. Back I went, sword on guard, dragging him through the

water and into the boat, which Sakim shoved off. A flight of arrows, pursued us.

One scratched me, another lodged in my clothing, but Rufisco was aboard, and

when they rushed again we were well out of their reach, the wind filling our


Rufisco stared up at me, breathing in hoarse gasps, a bloody froth upon his

lips. “Too late!” he mumbled. “There will be no wine with the passing girls, no

sitting in the sun.”

He was not a man to lie to, and he knew as well as I that with two arrows in his

lungs there was little that could be done. He held on to my hand and I could not

take it from him to do what might be done to make him easier. Maybe the

handclasp was all he wanted at the moment.

“Bury me where I can smell the sea,” he said, after spitting blood.

“We can push the arrows through,” I said. “They’re showing out your back.”

One was through his thigh, and bleeding bad.

“Let me be. The knowledge of death was in me.” He spat again. “At least, I die

with men.”

He lay on his side on the gig’s bottom, and there was no way I could make him

easy without causing more pain. He lay there, eyes closed, breathing hoarsely,

always that bloody froth at his lips. I wiped it away.

He opened his eyes again, strangely quiet. “A gray day, that an Italiano should

die upon a gray day!”

“We can reach the coastal islands,” Sakim said. “There we can find a safe


I held his hand with my left, and with my right the tiller. It was a long way

across, and somewhere upon the crossing Rufisco died … I do not know when, nor

even where. Except at the last his fingers held no longer to mine, and I placed

the hand down and Sakim looked over at me, but said nothing.

We had lost a comrade, one not easy to lose.

The moon was high when we came up to shore again. It was a long sandy shore on

which the surf of the sound rolled up softly.

We beached the gig and carried a line inland to make fast to a low-growing tree.

Then we carried the body of Rufisco ashore and above the level of the tide we

dug a grave, and there we buried him where he could hear the winds blow, and

feel the pulse of the sea. It would not be too different, I thought, than his

own Mediterranean, for this too was an inland water, and this too, was warm.

Taking a sight upon a tree, I marked the place for memory, but in the morning,

when there was light enough, I carved a name on a slab and placed it there. I

knew not the day of his birth, but gave that of his death. His name, too, I

placed there, although the place a man leaves is in the hearts of those he

leaves behind, and in his work, not upon a slab…

We went back to the boat, then, and shoved off, lifting our sail and pointing

our bows again to the north. And all that day we saw no sail, nor the next nor

the next nor the next.

When again we walked upon land it was on the shores of the northern sound. I

killed a deer there, at ninety paces, with one arrow, and we ate well. Later we

collected the leaves from a plant Sakim recognized and made a tea, and not a bad


We rested on the sand, and Sakim said to me, “It is a good land, this, a fine

land.” He sat up suddenly. “You should stay in this land, this should be your


“Here?” I was not astonished, for the thought had been in me, too.

“Perhaps. I would like a family. A man should build. He should always build.”

“You want sons?”

“Sons and daughters.”

I raised on one elbow. “I wonder about you, Sakim.”

“There is no need. I was once almost a philosopher, my friend, but there was too

much of the rascal in me. There was also a woman … the daughter of a very

important man. I was rascal enough to woo her, and philosopher enough to leave

quickly when we were discovered.”

“Have you never been back?”

“To be killed by soldiers? Or imprisoned? Besides, she was a philosopher, too.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“When she saw that I was gone she faced the realities and married another man.

Now she is rich, important, and domestic. I would no longer be interested in

her, and she would only be amused by me.”

“You were a student?”

“I was a teacher. My father, my grandfather and my great-grandfather were

judges, and so was I to be.”

“You were fortunate. I had few books, and no school.”

Sakim shrugged. “You had your father, obviously a wise man, and you had a gift.”

“I? A gift?”

“A gift of listening. When men spoke, you heard, and of what you heard, you

thought.” He sat up. “And now,” he smiled wickedly, “Oh, Master of Wisdom, we

should float our craft … We will catch no Tiger on this shore.”

Our sail was no sooner up, our craft before the wind, than we saw her, broad and

beautiful across the way, Captain Brian Tempany’s three-master coming down upon

us, all sails set and a bone in her teeth, as the saying is.

We hove to and, with Sakim at the tiller, I stood by the mast and waved my hat.

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