Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

If you’re innocent as you claim, then you’ll be reinstated with no loss

in pay, seniority or responsibility. And I’ll make absolutely certain

there’s no permanent damage to your reputation. If you’re guilty,

well, you know better than most what awaits you.” Massey closed the

door behind him.

Reynolds stood to leave, but Fisher blocked her way.

“Creds and gun. Now.”

Reynolds slipped them out and handed them over. It was as though she

were giving up one of her children. She looked at Fisher’s triumphant

features. “Gee, Paul, try not to enjoy it so much. You’ll look like

less of a fool when I’m exonerated.”

“Exonerated? You’ll be lucky if you’re not under arrest by day’s end.

But we want this case to be airtight. And if you’re thinking of

running, we’ll be watching. So don’t even try.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. I want to be here to see your face when I

come and get my gun and badge back. Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to

kiss my ass.”

Reynolds walked down the hallway and out of the building, feeling as

though every pair of eyes in the entire Bureau were fully upon her.


LEE GOT UP BEFORE FAITH, SHOWERED, CHANGED his clothes and then stood

next to the bed, watching her as she slept. For a few seconds he

allowed himself to forget about everything except the wonderful night

the two had spent together. He knew it had changed his life forever,

and that thought scared him to death.

He went downstairs, moving a little slowly. Parts of him were aching

that hadn’t in a long time. And it wasn’t just from the dancing. He

went into the kitchen and made coffee. While it was brewing, he

thought about last night. In his mind, Lee had made a very strong

commitment to Faith Lockhart. Perhaps an old-fashioned sentiment to

some, but sleeping with a woman meant you had deep feelings for her, at

least as far as Lee was concerned.

He poured a cup of coffee and went out to sit on the deck off the

kitchen. It was already late morning and a warm sunny day, but off in

the distance, Lee could see darkening clouds approaching. Ahead of the

storm was the twin-prop plane as it floated in for a landing with

another load of passengers. Faith had told him that during the summer

months, the planes might make ten or so trips a day. Now it was down

to three; morning, noon and early evening. And so far none of the

plane passengers had remained on this street. They had driven off to

other places, which suited Lee just fine.

As he sipped his coffee, Lee concluded that he did have such feelings

for Faith, even though he had only known her a few days. Stranger

things had happened, he guessed. And their relationship had certainly

begun on the shakiest of grounds. After all she had put him through,

Lee knew he would be justified in hating the woman. And after what he

had done to her that night, drunk or not, she would be right to hate

him. Did he love Faith Lockhart? He knew that right now he didn’t

want to be away from her. He wanted to protect her from harm. He

wanted to hold her, spend every minute with her and, yes, have

incredibly energetic sex with her as often as his body could manage.

Did that constitute love?

On the other hand, she had participated in a bribery scheme involving

government officials and was wanted by the FBI, among others. Yes, he

thought with a sigh, things had gotten very complicated indeed. Right

before they were taking off to God knew where. It wasn’t like they

could go to a church or even a justice of the peace and get married.

That’s right Father, were the fugitive couple. Could you please hurry

it up?

Lee rolled his eyes and slapped his forehead. Marriage! Good God, was

he nuts? Maybe that was how he felt, but what about Faith? Maybe she

was into one-night stands, although everything he had observed about

the woman argued against such a conclusion. Did she love him? Maybe

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Categories: Baldacci David