Seawitch by Alistair MacLean

After about twenty yards the reluctance vanished. The dogs yelped and strained at their leashes. For another twenty yards they towed their handlers along behind them, then abruptly stopped and circled a few times before sitting down dispiritedly. Mitchell crouched and examined the surface of the lane. The others caught up with him.

McGarritty said: “What gives, then?”



“This.” Mitchell pointed to the ground. ‘There was another vehicle here. You can see where its back wheels spun when it started to reverse. The kidnapers guessed we’d be Using dogs—it wasn’t all that hard a guess. So they carried the girls twenty yards or so, to break the scent, before setting them down again.”

“Right smart of you, Mr. Mitchell, right smart.” McGarrity didn’t look as pleased as his words suggested. “So the birds have flown, eh? And now we haven’t the faintest idea what the getaway vehicle looks like.”

Roomer said: “Somebody’s flown, that’s for sure. But maybe only one or two. Maybe they’ve gone to borrow a helicopter.”

“A helicopter?” The waters didn’t have to be very deep for Chief McGarrity to start floundering.

With a trace of weary impatience Mitchell said: “It could be a double bluff. Maybe they reversed the procedure and took the girls back to the station wagon again. Maybe they’re still in the swamp, waiting for a helicopter to come arid pick them up. You heard the old boy back there—he said there were plenty of places in the swamp where a helicopter could set down.”

McGarrity nodded sagely and appeared to ponder the matter deeply. The time had come, he felt, for him to make a positive contribution. “The swamp’s out. Hopeless. So I’ll have to concentrate on the helicopter angle.”



Mitchell said: “How do you propose to do that?”

“Just you leave that to me.” Roomer said: “That’s hardly fair, Chief. We’ve given you our complete confidence. Don’t you think we’re entitled to some in return?”

“Well, now.” McGarrity appeared to ruminate, although he was secretly pleased to be asked the question, as Roomer had known he would be. “If the chopper doesn’t get in there, it can’t very well lift them out, can it?”

“That’s a fact,” Roomer said solemnly. “So I station marksmen round this side of the swamp. It’s no big deal to bring down a low-flyine chopper.”

Mitchell said: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“No, indeed.” Roomer shook his head. “The law frowns on murder.”

“Murder?” McGarrity stared at them. “Who’s talking about murder?”

‘We are,” Mitchell said. “Rifle or machine-gun fire could kill someone inside the helicopter. If it brings down the helicopter they’d all probably die. Maybe there are criminals aboard, but they’re entitled to a fair trial. And has it occurred to you that the pilot will almost certainly be an innocent party with a pistol pointed at his head?” McGarrity, clearly, had not thought of that. “Not going to make us very popular, is it?”


McGarrity winced. Even the thought of unpopularity and the forthcoming election made him feel weak inside.

“So what the devil do we do?”

Roomer was frank. “I’ll be damned if I know. You can post observers. You can even have a grounded helicopter standing by to chase the other one when it takes off. // it ever comes in the first place. We’re only guessing.”

“No more we can do here,” Mitchell said. “We’ve already missed too many appointments today. We’ll be in touch.”

Back on the highway Roomer said: “How do you think he’d do as a dogcatcher?”

“Place would be overrun by stray dogs in a few months. How much faith have you got in this idea that they might use a helicopter?”

“A lot. If they just wanted to change cars they wouldn’t have gone through this elaborate rigmarole. They could have parked their station wagon out of sight almost anyplace. By apparently going into hiding in the swamp they wanted to make it look as though they were preparing to hole up in there for some time. They hadn’t figured on our backing—your backtracking—up the lane.”

“We’re pretty sure their destination is the Seawitch. We’re pretty sure they’ll use a helicopter. Which helicopter and pilot would you use?”


Alistalr M aeLean


“Lord Worth’s. Not only are his pilots almost certainly the only ones who know the exact co-ordinates of the Seawitch, but those distinctly marked North Hudson helicopters are the only ones that could approach the Seawitch without raising suspicion.” Roomer reached for the phone, fiddled with the wave-band control and raised Lord Worth’s house. “Jim?” “Go ahead, Mr. Roomer.” “We’re coming back there. Look for Lord Worth’s address book. Probably right by you in your radio room. Make us a list of the names and addresses of his helicopter pilots. Is the gatekeeper at the heliport on the radio-phone, too?”


“Get that for us too, please.”


Roomer said to Mitchell: “Still think we shouldn’t warn Larsen about our suspicions?”

“That’s for sure.” Mitchell was very definite. ‘The Seawitch is Larsen’s baby, and the kind of reception he’d prepare for them might be a bit overenthusiastic. How’d you like to explain to Lord Worth how come his daughters got caught in the crossfire?”

“No way!” Roomer spoke with some feeling. “Or even explain to yourself how Melinda got shot through the lung?”

Roomer ignored him. “What if we’re wrong about Worth’s pilots?”


‘Then we turn the whole thing over to that ace detective, McGarrity.” “So we’d better be right.” They were right. They were also too late.

John Campbell was both an avid fisherman and an avid reader. He had long since mastered the techniques of indulging his two pleasures simultaneously. A creek, fairly popular with fish, ran within twenty feet of his back porch. Campbell was sitting on a canvas chair, parasol over his head, alternating every page with a fresh cast of his line, when Durand and one of his men, stocking-masked and holding guns in their hands, came into his line of vision. Campbell rose to his feet, book still in hand.

“Who are you and what do you want?”

“You. You’re Campbell, aren’t you?”

“What if I am?”

“Like you to do a little job for us.”

“What job?”

“Fly a helicopter for us.”

“I’ll be damned if I will!”‘

“So you are Campbell. Come along.”

Following the gesturing of their guns, Campbell moved between the two men. He was within one foot of Durand’s gun hand when he chopped the side of his hand on the wrist that held the gun. Durand grunted hi pain, the gun fell to the ground and a second later the two men were locked together, wrestling, kicking and punching

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with a fine disregard for the rules of sport, altering position so frequently that Durand’s henchman at first found no opportunity to intervene. But the opportunity came very soon. The unsportsmanlike but effective use of Campbell’s right knee doubled Durand over in gasping agony, but enough instinct was left him to seize Campbell’s shirt as he fell over backward. This was Campbell’s downfall in more ways than one, for the back of his head was now nakedly vulnerable to a swung automatic.

The man who had felled Campbell now pulled him clear, allowing Durand to climb painfully to his feet, although still bent over at an angle of forty-five degrees. He pulled off his stocking mask as if to try to get more air to breathe. Durand was Latin American, with a pale coffee-colored face, thick black curling hair and a pencil-line mustache; he might even qualify as handsome when the twisted lines of agony ceased to contort his face. He straightened inch by inch and finally obtained a modicum of breath— enough, at least, to allow him to announce what he would like to do with Campbell.

“Some other time, Mr. Durand. He can’t very well fly a chopper from a hospital bed.”

Durand painfully acknowledged the truth of this. “I hope you didn’t hit nun too hard.” “Just a tap.” “Tie him, tape him and blindfold him.”


Sea witch

Durand was now a scarce twenty degrees off the vertical. His helper left for the car and returned hi moments with cord, tape and blindfold. Three minutes later they were on then1 way, with a rug-covered and still unconscious Campbell on the floor at the back. Resting comfortably on the rug were Durand’s feet—he still didn’t feel quite up to driving. Both men had then* masks off now—even in the free-wheeling state of Florida men driving with stocking masks on were likely to draw more than passing attention.

Mitchell glanced briefly at the list of names and addresses Robertson had given them. “Fine. But what are these checks opposite five of the names?”

Robertson sounded apologetic. “I hope you don’t mind—I don’t want to butt in—but I took the liberty of phoning those gentlemen to see if they would be at home when you came around. I assumed you’d be seeing them because you asked for the addresses.”

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