Seize The Night. By: Dean R. Koontz

packed up his clothes, I’ve torn open one of the boxes in the garage

simply to have a look at those reading glasses, at that sweater.

In such moments I can’t escape the truth that I’m not coping as well as

I pretend to be. The cataract of grief is a longer drop than Niagara,

and I guess I’ve not yet reached the river of acceptance at the bottom.

When I got out of the Explorer, I didn’t hurry into the house, though

the grizzled morning was now almost fully upon us. The day did little to

restore the color that the night had stolen from the world, indeed, the

smoky light seemed to deposit an ash-gray residue on everything, muting

tones, dulling shiny surfaces. The cumulative UV damage I would sustain

in this shineless sunshine was a risk worth taking to spend one minute

admiring the two oaks in the front yard.

These California live oaks, beautifully crowned and with great canopies

of strong black limbs, tower over the house, shading it in every season,

because unlike eastern oaks, they don’t drop their leaves in winter. I

have always loved these trees, have climbed high into them on many

nights to get closer to the stars, but lately they mean more to me than

ever because they remind me of my parents, who had the strength to make

the sacrifices in their own lives required to raise a child with my

disabilities and who gave me the shade to thrive.

The weight of this leaden dawn had pressed all the wind out of the day.

The oaks were as monolithic as sculpture, each leaf like a petal of cast


After a minute, calmed by the deep stillness of the trees, I crossed the

lawn to the house.

This Craftsman-period structure features stacked ledger stone and

weather-silvered cedar under a slate roof, with deep eaves and an

expansive front porch, all modern lines yet natural and close to the


It is the only home I’ve ever known, and considering both the average

life span of an XPER and my talent for getting my ass in a sling, it’s

no doubt where I’ll live until I die Sasha had unlocked the front door

by the time I got there, and I followed her into the foyer.

All the windows are covered with pleated shades throughout the daylight

hours. Most of the lights feature rheostats, and when we must turn them

on, we keep them dim. For the most part, I live here in candlelight

filtered through amber or rose glass, in a soft-edged shadowy ambience

that would meet with the approval of any medium who claims to be able to

channel the spirits of the dead.

Sasha settled in a month previous, after Dad’s death, moving out of the

house provided for her as part of her compensation as general manager of

KBAY. But already, during daylight hours, she moves from room to room

guided largely by the faint sunshine pressing against the lowered window


She thinks my shrouded world calms the soul, that life in the low

illumination of Snow land is soothing, even romantic. I agree with her

to an extent, though at times a mild claustrophobia overcomes me and

these ever present shadows seem like a chilling preview of the grave.

Without touching a light switch, we went upstairs to my bathroom and

took a shower together by the lambent glow of a decorative glass oil

lamp. This tandem event wasn’t as much fun as usual, not even as much

fun as riding two on a surfboard, because we were physically weary,

emotionally exhausted, and worried about Orson and Jimmy, all we did was

bathe, while I gave Sasha a seriously condensed version of my pursuit of

the kidnapper, the sighting of Big Head, Delacroix, and the events in

the egg room.

I phoned Roosevelt Frost, who lives aboard Nostromo, a fifty-six-foot

Bluewater coastal cruiser berthed in the Moonlight Bay marina. I got an

answering machine and left a message asking him to come to see me as

soon after twelve o’clock as was convenient and to bring Mungojerrie if


I also called Manuel Ramirez. The police operator said that he was

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Categories: Koontz, Dean