Seize The Night. By: Dean R. Koontz

robbed the universe of mystery. We desperately need our mystery, you

said. In the mystery is the hope. That’s what you believe. Well, what I

saw over on the other side.

Kevin, what I saw over there is more mystery than a million years of

scientists can explain. The universe is stranger than we ever conceived

… and yet, at the same time, it’s eerily like our most primitive

concepts of it.” He drove in silence for a minute or so and then began

to murmur to himself in that cryptic language.

Bobby said, “Who’s Kevin? ”

“His brother? Earlier, he referred to him as big brother. I think Kevin

might be a reporter somewhere.” Still speaking what was gibberish to us,

Delacroix shut off the recorder.

I was afraid this was the last piece of an incomplete testament, but

then he returned.

“Pumped cyanide gas into the translation capsule. That didn’t kill

Hodgson, or what had come back in Hodgson’s place.”

“Translation capsule, ” Bobby said.

“The egg room, ” I guessed.

“We pumped all the atmosphere out. The capsule was a giant vacuum tube.

Hodgson was still alive. Because this isn’t life … not as we think of

life. This is anti-life. We kept the capsule operative, powered it to a

new cycle, and Hodgson, or whatever it was, went back where it came

from.” He switched off the recorder. Only four entries remained in his

testament, and each was spoken in a more confused, fearful voice. I

sensed that these were Delacroix’s few fitful moments of coherence.

“Eight of us on the second expedition. Four came back alive. Me among

them. Not infected. The doctors declared us free of all infection.

But now …” Followed by, ” … infected or possessed? Wrus?

Parasite? Or something more profound ? Am I just a carrier … or a

doorway? Is something in me ..

. or coming through me? Am I … being unlocked … opened … opened

like a door? ” Then, with decreasing coherence, ” … never went

forward … went sideways. Didn’t even realize there was a sideways.

Because we all long ago … we stopped thinking about .


. stopped believing in a sideways …” Finally, ” … will have to

abandon the car … walk in … but not where it wants me to go. Not to

the translation capsule. Not if I can help it.

The house. To the house. Did I tell you they all died? The first


When I pull the trigger … will I be closing the door … or opening it

to them?

Did I tell you what I saw? Did I tell you who I saw? Did I tell you

about their suffering? Do you know what flies and crawls? Under that red

sky? Did I tell you? How did I get … here? Here? ” The last words on

the tape were not in English.

I raised the bottle of Corona to my mouth and discovered that I had

already emptied it. [ Bobby said, “So this place with the red sky, the

black treesis it your mom’s future, bro? ”

“Sideways, Delacroix said.”

“But what does that mean? ”

“I don’t know.”

“Did they know? ”

“Doesn’t sound like they did, ” I said, pressing the rewind button on

the remote.

“I’m having some quashingly funky thoughts.”

“The cocoons, ” I guessed.

I “Whatever spun the cocoons did they come out of Delacroix? ”

“Or through him, like he said. Like he was a doorway.”

“Whatever that means. And either way, does it matter? Out of or through,

it’s the same to us.”

“I think if his body hadn’t been there, the cocoons wouldn’t be there,

either, ” I said.

“Gotta get some angry villagers together and march up to the castle with

torches, ” he said, his tone of voice more serious than the words he had

chosen to express himself.

As the tape rewound and clicked to a stop, I said, “Should we take the

responsibility on this one? We don’t know enough. Maybe we should tell

someone about the cocoons.”

“You mean like authority types? ”


“You know what they’ll do? “

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Categories: Koontz, Dean