Seize The Night. By: Dean R. Koontz

by side, holding hands were Roger and Marie Stanwyk, and when Bobby and

Sasha pulled aside the veils, I was proved correct.

For some reason, I surveyed the ceiling, half expecting to see five-inch

long, fat cocoons spun in the corners. None hung over us, of course. I

was getting my waking nightmares confused.

Struggling to resist a potentially crippling claustrophobia, I left the

room ahead of Bobby and Sasha, joining Roosevelt in the hallway, where I

was pleased though surprised to find there were Sun no walking dead

people with black silk hoods covering their cold white faces.

The next bedroom was no less gonzo Victorian than the rest of the house,

but the two bodies in the carved mahogany half-tester bed with white

muslin and lace hangings were in a more modern pose than Roger and Marie,

lying on their sides, face-to-face, embracing during their last moments

on this earth. We studied their alabaster profiles, but none of us

recognized them, and Bobby and I replaced the silks.

There was a television set in this room, too. The Stanwyks, for all

their love of distant and more genteel times, were typical TV-crazed

Americans, for which they were certainly dumber than they otherwise

would have been, as it is well known and probably proven that for every

television set in a house, each member of the family suffers a loss of

five IQ points. The embracing couple on the bed had chosen to expire to

a thousandth rerun of an ancient Star Trek episode. At the moment,

Captain Kirk was solemnly expounding upon his belief that compassion and

tolerance were as important to the evolution and survival of an

intelligent species as were eyesight and opposable thumbs, so I had to

resist the urge to switch the damn TV to the Nature Channel, where the

fox was eating the guts of a quail.

I didn’t want to judge these poor people, because I couldn’t know the

angst and physical suffering that had brought them to this end point,

but if I were becoming and so distraught as to believe that suicide was

the only answer, I would want to expire not while watching the products

of Empire Disney, not to an earnest documentary about the beauty of

nature’s bloodlust, not to the adventures of the starship Enterprise,

but to the eternal music of Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, perhaps

Brahms, Mozart, or the rock of Chris Isaak would do, and do handsomely.

As you may perceive from my baroque ranting, by the time I returned to

the upstairs hall, with the body count currently at nine, my

claustrophobia was getting rapidly worse, my imagination was in full-on

hyperdrive, my longing for a handgun had intensified until it was almost

a sexual need, and my testicles had retracted into my groin.

I knew that we weren’t all going to get out of this house alive.

Christopher Snow knows things.

I knew.

I knew.

The next room was dark, and a quick check revealed that it was used to

store excess Victorian furniture and art objects. In two or three

seconds of light, I saw paintings, chairs and more chairs, a

column-front cellarette, terra-cotta figures, urns, a Chippendale-style

satinwood desk, a break front as if the Stanwyks’ ultimate intention had

been to wedge every room of the house so full that no human being could

fit inside, until the density and weight of the furnishings distorted

the very fabric of space-time, causing the house to implode out of our

century and into the more comforting age of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and

Lord Chesterfield.

Mungojerrie, to all appearances unaffected by this surfeit of death and

decor, was standing in the hallway, in the inconstant light that pulsed

through the open door of the final room, peering intently past that last

threshold. Then suddenly he became way too intent, His back was arched

and his hackles were raised, as if he were a witch’s familiar that had

just seen the devil himself rising from a bubbling cauldron.

Though gunless, I was not going to let Sasha go through another doorway

first, because I believed that whoever entered this next room in the

point position would be blown away or chopped like a celery stalk in a

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Categories: Koontz, Dean