Seize The Night. By: Dean R. Koontz

vanity, Bobby rushed him, and I went after him, too, just a fraction of

a second later.

Instead of retreating, Father Tom launched himself forward, and when

they collided, the priest lifted Bobby off the floor. He wasn’t Father

Tom at all anymore. He was something unnaturally powerful, with the

strength and ferocity of a mad bull. He lunged across the bedroom,

knocking over a chair, and slammed-jammed-crushed Bobby into a corner so

hard that Bobby’s shoulders should have snapped. Bobby cried out in

pain, and the priest leaned into him, punching, clawing at his ribs,

digging at him.

Then I was in the melee, too, on Father Tom’s back, slipping my right

arm around his neck, gripping my right wrist with my left hand.

Got him in a choke-hold. Jerked back on his head. Just about crushed his

windpipe, trying to pull him away from Bobby.

He retreated from Bobby, all right, but instead of dropping to his knees

and capitulating, he seemed not to need the air that I was choking out

of him, or the blood supply to the brain that I pinched off.

He bucked, trying to throw me over his head and off his back, bucked

again and more furiously.

I was aware of Sasha shouting, but I didn’t listen to what she was

saying until the priest bucked a fourth time and nearly did pitch me

off. My choke-hold slipped, and he snarled as if sensing triumph, and I

finally heard Sasha saying, “Get out of the way! Chris! Chris, get out

of the way! ” Doing what she demanded took some trust, but then it’s

always about trust, every time, whether it’s deadly combat or a kiss, so

I released my faltering choke-hold, and the priest threw me off even

before I could scramble away.

Father Tom rose to his full height, and he appeared to be taller than

before. I think that must have been an illusion. His demonic fury had

attained such intensity, such blazing power, that I expected electric

arcs to leap from him to any nearby metal object. Rage made him appear

to be larger than he was. His radiant yellow gaze seemed brighter than

mere eye shine, as if inside his skull was not merely a new creature

becoming but the elemental nuclear fire of an entire new universe


I retreated, gasping for breath, stupidly groping for the gun that

Manuel had taken from me.

Sasha was holding a bed pillow, which she evidently had jerked out from

under the head of one of the suicides. This seemed as crazy as

everything else that was happening, as if she intended to smother Father

Tom or to batter him into submission with a sack of goose down.

But then, as she ordered him to back off and sit down, I understood that

the pillow was folded around her .38 Chiefs Special, to muffle the

report of the revolver if she was forced to use it, because this bedroom

was at the front of the house, where the sound might carry to the


You could tell that the priest wasn’t listening to Sasha. Maybe by this

time he wasn’t capable of listening to anything except to what was

happening inside him, to the internal hurricane-roar of his becoming.

His mouth opened wide, and his lips skinned back from his teeth.

An unearthly shriek came from him, then another, more chilling than the

first, followed by squeals and cries and wretched groans, which

alternately seemed to express pain and pleasure, despair and joy, blind

rage and poignant remorse, as if there were multitudes within this one

tortured body.

Instead of ordering Father Tom to desist, Sasha was now pleading with

him. Maybe because she didn’t want to be forced to use the gun.

Maybe because she was afraid his crazed shouting would be heard in the

street and draw unwanted attention. Her pleas were tremulous, and tears

stood in her eyes, but I could tell that she would be able to do

whatever needed to be done.

The shrieking priest raised his arms as if he were calling down the

wrath of Heaven upon all of us. He began to shake violently, like one

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Categories: Koontz, Dean