Seize The Night. By: Dean R. Koontz

He put his blocky head on my raised knee, encouraging me to stroke him

and to scratch his ears, one of which was pricked, the other limp.

We have been through a lot together. We have lost too many people we

loved. With equal emotion, we dread being left to face life alone. We

have our friends bobby Halloway, Sasha Good all, a few others and we

cherish them, but the two of us share something beyond the deepest

friendship, a unique relationship without which neither of us would be

quite whole.

“Bro, ” I whispered.

He licked my hand.

“Gotta go, ” I whispered, and I didn’t need to say that where I had to

go was down.

Neither did I have to note that Orson’s myriad abilities didn’t include

the extraordinary balance required to descend a perfectly vertical

ladder, paw over paw. He has a talent for tracking, a great good heart,

unlimited courage, loyalty as reliable as the departure of the sun at

dusk, a bottomless capacity for love, a cold nose, a tail that can wag

energetically enough to produce more electricity than a small nuclear

reactor but like every one of us, he has his limitations.

In the blackness, I moved to the hole in the wall. Blindly gripping one

of the steel fittings that had secured the missing bookcase to a

wall-mounted track, I pulled myself up until I was crouching with both

feet on the sturdy two-by-six bolted across the opening. I reached into

the shaft, fumbled for a steel rung, snared one, and swung off the

two-by-six onto the service ladder.

Admittedly, I am less quiet than a cat, but by a degree that only a

mouse would appreciate. I don’t mean to imply that I have a paranormal

ability to race across a carpet of crisp autumn leaves without raising a

crackle. My stealth is largely a consequence of three things, first, the

profound patience that XP has taught me, second, the confidence with

which I have learned to move through the bleakest night, third, and not

least important, decades spent observing the nocturnal animals and birds

and other creatures with whom I share my world. Every one of them is a

master of silence when it needs to be, and more often than not it

desperately needs to be, because the night is a kingdom of predators, in

which every hunter is also the hunted.

I descended from darkness into darkness distilled, wishing that I didn’t

need both hands for the ladder and could, instead, swing downward like

an ape, swift and nimble, gripping with my left hand and both feet,

holding the pistol ready. But then if I were an ape, I would have been

too wise to put myself in this precarious position.

Before I reached the first basement, I began to wonder how my quarry had

gone down the ladder while encumbered with the boy. Across his shoulder

in a fireman’s carry? Jimmy would have to have been bound at ankles and

wrists to prevent him from making a movement, either intentionally or

out of panic, that might dislodge his abductor. Even then, although the

boy was small, he’d have been a considerable burden and a relentless

backward drag that had to be diligently resisted every time the

kidnapper moved a hand from one rung to the next.

I decided that the man I was pursuing must be as strong, agile, and

confident as he was psychotic. So much for my fond hope that I was

chasing a soft-bellied librarian who, dazed and confused, had been

driven to this insane act by the stress of converting from the Dewey

decimal system to a new computerized inventory.

Even in the lightless murk, I knew when I had reached the gap in the

shaft where the basement elevator doors had once been, one floor below

the warehouse office. I can’t explain how I could know, any more than I

can explain the plot line of the average Jackie Chan movie, though I

love Jackie Chan movies. Perhaps there was a draft or a scent or a

resonance so subtle that I was only subconsciously aware of it.

I couldn’t be sure this was the level to which the kidnapper had taken

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Categories: Koontz, Dean