Seize The Night. By: Dean R. Koontz

took flight as though it were a real bird.

As we headed down the eastern slope of Crow Hill, I restrained myself

from remarking on the unnerving flight of the shadow, but Bobby said, “I

don’t like this place.”

“Me neither, ” Roosevelt agreed.

“Ditto, ” I said.

Bobby said, “Humankind wasn’t meant to travel this far from the beach.”

“Yeah, ” Sasha said, “we’re probably getting dangerously close to the

edge of the earth.”

“Exactly, ” Bobby said.

“You ever see any of those maps from the time when they thought the

earth was flat? ” I asked.

Bobby said, “Oh, I see, you’re one of those round-earth kooks.”

“The map makers actually showed the edge of the earth, the sea just

cascading into an abyss, and sometimes they lettered a warning across

the void, Here there be monsters.” After a brief but deep group silence,

Bobby said, “Bad choice of historical trivia, bro.”

“Yeah, ” Sasha said, gradually slowing the Expedition as she peered into

the dark fields north of Haddenbeck Road, evidently looking for Doogie

Sassman. “Don’t you know any amusing anecdotes about Marie Antoinette at

the guillotine? ”

“That’s the stuff! ” Bobby agreed.

Roosevelt darkened the mood by communicating what didn’t need to be

communicated, “Mr. Mungojerrie says the crow flew off the rock.”

“With all due respect, ” Bobby said, “Mr. Mungojerrie is just a fuckin’


Roosevelt seemed to listen to a voice beyond our hearing. Then,

“Mungojerrie says he may be just a fuckin’ cat, but that puts him two

steps up the social ladder from a board head.” Bobby laughed. “He didn’t

say that.”

“No other cat here, ” Roosevelt said.

“You said that, ” Bobby accused.

“Not me, ” Roosevelt said. “I don’t use that kind of language.”

“The cat? ” Bobby said skeptically.

“The cat, ” Roosevelt insisted.

“Bobby’s only a recent believer in all this smart-animal stuff, ” I told


“Hey, cat, ” Bobby said.

Mungojerrie turned in my lap to look back at Bobby.

Bobby said, “You’re all right, dude.” Mungojerrie raised one forepaw.

After a moment, Bobby caught on. His face bright with wonder, he

extended his right hand across the back of my seat. He and the cat gave

each other a gentle high five.

Good work Mom, I thought. Very nice. Let’s just hope when all is said

and done, we end up with more smart cats than crazed reptiles.

“Here we are, ” Sasha said as we reached the bottom of the hill.

She shifted the Expedition into four-wheel drive and turned north off

the highway, driving slowly because she had doused the headlights and

was guided only by the much dimmer parking lights.

We crossed a lush meadow, wove through a stand of live oaks, approached

the boundary fence surrounding Fort Wyvern, and stopped beside the

largest sports utility vehicle I had ever seen. This black Hummer, the

civilian version of the military’s Humvee, had undergone customization

after being driven off the showroom floor. It featured over size tires

and sat even higher on them than did a standard model, and it had been

stretched by the addition of a few feet to its cargo space.

Sasha switched off the lights and the engine, and we-got out of the


Mungojerrie clung to me as though he thought I might put him down on the

ground. I understood his concern. The grass was knee-high.

Even in daylight, you’d have difficulty spotting a snake before it

struck, especially considering how fast a motivated serpent can move.

When Roosevelt reached out, I handed the cat to him.

The driver’s door opened on the Hummer, and Doogie Sassman got out to

greet us, like a steroid-hammered Santa Claus climbing out of a

Pentagon-designed sleigh. He closed the door behind him to kill the

cabin light.

At five feet eleven, Doogie Sassman is five inches shorter than

Roosevelt Frost, but he is the only man I’ve ever known who can make

Roosevelt appear to be petite. The sass man enjoys no more than a

hundred pound advantage on Roosevelt, but I’ve never seen a hundred

pounds used to better effect. He seems to be not merely forty percent

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Categories: Koontz, Dean