Seize The Night. By: Dean R. Koontz

clear night sky, necklaces of stars, and a pendant moon. This sky scape

was the only thing out there where the stairs had been, as though this

door now opened high above the earth’s atmosphere, in interplanetary

space, a long way from the nearest doughnut shop. Or perhaps it opened

into a time when the earth no longer existed. No floor lay beyond the

threshold, nothing but empty space jeweled with more stars, a cold and

infinite drop from the bright corridor in which I stood.


I closed the door. I gripped the shotgun fiercely in both hands, not

because I expected to use it but because it was real, solid and

unyielding, an anchor in this sea of strangeness.

Sasha was now immediately behind me.

When I turned to face her, I could tell that she had seen the same

celestial panorama that had rocked me. Her gray eyes were as clear as

ever, but they were darker than before.

Doogie hadn’t glimpsed the impossible sight, because he was holding the

Uzi at the ready and watching the three departing men.

Frowning, standing with his fists balled tightly at his sides, Roosevelt

studied the cat.

From his position, Bobby couldn’t have seen through the doorway, either,

but he knew something was wrong. His face was as solemn as that of a

rabbit reading a cookbook recipe for hare soup.

Mungojerrie was the only one of us who didn’t appear to be about to blow

out snarled springs like an overwound cuckoo clock.

Trying not to dwell on what I’d seen beyond the stairwell door, I

wondered how the cat could find Orson and the kids if they were in a

present-time place while we were stuck here in the past. But then I

figured that if we could pass from one time period to another, be caught

up in the time shifts taking place around us, so could my four-footed

brother and the children.

Anyway, from every indication, we hadn’t actually traveled back in time.

Rather, the past and present and perhaps the future were occurring

simultaneously, weirdly pressed together by whatever force or force

field the engines of the egg room had generated. And perhaps it was not

only one night from the past that was bleeding into our present time,

maybe we were experiencing moments from different days and nights when

the egg room had been in operation.

The three men were still walking away from us. Ambling. Taking their

sweet time.

The rhythmic swell and recession of the electronic sound began to have

an odd psychological effect. A mild vertigo overcame me, and the

corridor this entire subterranean floor seemed to be turning like a


My grip on the shotgun was too fierce. Unwittingly, I was exerting

dangerous pressure on the trigger. I hooked my finger around the trigger

guard instead.

I had a headache. It wasn’t a result of being knocked around by Father

Tom at the Stanwyk house. I was sustaining a brain bruise from pondering

time paradoxes, from trying to make sense of what was happening. This

required a talent for mathematics and theoretical physics, but although

I can balance my checkbook, I haven’t inherited my mother’s love of math

and science. In the most general sense, I understand the theory of

leverage that explains the function of a bottle opener, why gravity

makes it a bad idea to leap off a high building, and why running

headlong into a brick wall will have little effect on the bricks.

Otherwise, I trust the cosmos to run itself efficiently without my

having to understand it, which is also pretty much my attitude toward

electric razors, wristwatches, bread-baking machines, and other

mechanical devices.

The only way to deal with these events was to treat them as supernatural

occurrences, accept them as you might accept poltergeist

phenomenalevitating chairs, hurtling knickknacks, doors slammed by

invisible presencesor the spectral appearance of a moldering and

semitransparent corpse glimpsed on a midnight stroll in a graveyard.

Thinking too much about time-bending force fields and time paradoxes and

reality shifts, straining to grasp the logic of it, would only make me

crazy, when what I desperately needed to be was cool. Calm.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean