Seize The Night. By: Dean R. Koontz

“I don’t know, ” I said miserably.

The elevator seemed to have gotten stuck at B-2, and abruptly the doors

opened, though Doogie had pressed only the G button.

Maybe the kids weren’t able to see past us to what lay beyond the cab,

but those of us in the front row had a good look, and the sight froze

us. A corridor, either stripped to the bare concrete or equipped as it

had been in years gone by, should have waited out there past the

threshold, but we were facing a panoramic landscape instead. A

smoldering red sky. Oily black fungus grew in gnarled, vaguely treelike

masses, and thick rivulets of vile dark syrup oozed from puckered

pustules on the trunks. From some limbs hung cocoons like those we had

seen in the Dead Town bungalow, glossy and fat, pregnant with malignant


For a moment, as we stood stunned, no sound or odor issued from this

twisted landscape, and I dared to hope it was more a vision than a

physical reality. Then movement at the threshold drew my eye, and I saw

the red-and-black-mottled tendrils of a ground-hugging vine, as

beautiful and evil-looking as a nest of baby coral snakes, questing at

the sill of the door, growing as fast as plants in a nature film run at

high speed, wriggling into the cab.

“Shut the door! ” I urged.

Doogie pressed a button labeled close door and then pushed the G button

again, for the ground floor.

The doors didn’t close.

As Doogie jammed his thumb against the button again, something loomed in

that otherworldly place, no more than two feet away from us, crossing

from the left.

We brought up our guns.

It was a man in a bio-secure suit. Hodgson was stenciled across the brow

of his helmet, but his face was that of an ordinary man, not crawling

with parasites.

We were in the past and on the other side. Chaos.

The writhing tendrils of the black-and-red vine, the diameter of

earthworms, lapped at the elevator carpet.

Orson sniffed them. The tendrils rose like swaying cobras, as if they

would strike at his nose, and Orson twitched away from them.

Cursing, Doogie pounded the side of his fist against close door.

Then against G. Hodgson could see us. Amazement pried open his eyes.

The unnatural silence and stillness were broken when wind gusted into

the cab. Hot and humid. Reeking of tar and rotting vegetation.

Circling us and blowing out again, as if it were a living thing.

Careful to avoid stepping on the vine tendrils, afraid they would bore

through the sole of my shoe and then through the sole of my foot, I

tugged frantically at the door, trying to pull out the sliding panel on

the left. It wouldn’t budge.

With the stench came a faint but chilling sound like thousands of

tortured voices, issuing from a distance and threaded through those

screams, also distant, was an inhuman shriek.

Hodgson turned more directly toward us, pointing for the benefit of

another man in a bio-secure suit, who hove into view.

The doors began to close. The vine tendrils crunched between the sliding

panels. The doors shuddered, almost retreated, but then pinched the

vines off, and the cab rose.

Oozing yellow fluid and the bitter scent of sulfur, the severed tendrils

curled and twisted with great agitation and then dissolved into an inert


The building shook as if it were the home of all thunder, the foundry

where Thor forged his lightning bolts.

The vibrations were affecting either the elevator motor or the lift

cables, perhaps both, because we were rising more slowly than before,

grinding upward.

“Mr. Halloway’s pants are dry now, ” Aaron Stuart said, picking up the

conversation where it had left off, “but I smelled the pee.”

“Me too, ” said Anson, Wendy, and Jimmy.

Orson woofed agreement.

“It’s a paradox, ” Roosevelt said solemnly, as though to save me the

trouble of explaining.

“There’s that word again, ” Doogie said. His brow was furrowed, and his

gaze remained riveted on the indicator board above the door, waiting for

the B-1 bulb to light.

“A time paradox, ” I said.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean