Seize The Night. By: Dean R. Koontz

It grazed my left flank and caught me under the arm. The blow wasn’t

devastating, but it was unquestionably more painful than

Japanese-massage therapy.

The flashlight flew out of my hand, tumbling end over end.

His yellow eyes flared. I knew that he had registered the pistol in my

right hand and that it was an unpleasant surprise for him.

The tumbling flashlight struck the farther wall, bounced to the floor

without shattering the lens, and revolved like the pointer in a game of

spin the bottle, casting luminous spirals over the glossy blue walls.

Even as the flashlight clattered to the floor, my smiling assailant was

winding up to take another swing, handling the two-by-four like a

baseball bat this time.

Rocked by the first blow, I warned him, “Don’t.” His yellow eyes

revealed no fear of the gun, and the expression on his broad blunt face

was pitiless fury.

I squeezed off a shot as I twisted out of his way. The club cut the air

with sufficient force to have driven shards of bone and splinters of

wood into my left temporal lobe if I’d not been able to dodge it, while

the 9-millimeter slug ricocheted noisily but harmlessly from wall to

wall of the concrete passage.

Instead of pulling the blow, he followed all the way through, allowing

the momentum of the club to swivel him three hundred and sixty degrees.

As the spinning flashlight slowed, the attacker’s distorted silhouette

pumped around the corridor, around and around, pumped like a carousel

horse, and out of his own galloping shadow, he rushed at me when I

stumbled backward against the featureless wall opposite the doors.

He was as condensed as a cube of squashed automobiles from a

salvage-yard compactor, eyes bright but without depth, face knotted and

florid with rage, smile fixed and humorless. He appeared to have been

born, raised, educated, and groomed for one purpose, hammering me to


I did not like this man.

Yet I didn’t want to kill him. As I said before, I’m not big on killing.

I surf, I read poetry, I do some writing of my own, and I like to think

of myself as a sort of Renaissance man. We Renaissance men generally

don’t resort to bloodshed as the first and easiest solution to a

problem. We think. We ponder. We brood. We weigh the possible effects

and analyze the complex moral consequences of our actions, preferring to

use persuasion and negotiation instead of violence, hopeful that each

confrontation will culminate in handshakes and mutual respect if not

always in hugs and dinner dates.

He swung the two-by-four.

I ducked, slipped sideways.

The club cracked so hard against the wall that I could almost hear the

low vibrations traveling the length of the wood. The two-by-four dropped

from his numbed hands, and he cursed vehemently.

Too bad it hadn’t been an iron pipe. The recoil might have been nasty

enough to loosen some of his milk-white baby teeth and make him cry for


“All right, that’s enough, ” I said.

He made an obscene suggestion and, flexing his powerful hands, snatched

the club off the floor, rounding on me.

He seemed to have little or no fear of the gun, probably because my

reluctance to fire it, other than to squeeze off a warning shot, had

convinced him that I was too chickenshit to blow him away. He didn’t

impress me as a particularly bright individual, and stupid people are

often dangerously sure of themselves.

His body language, a sly look in his eyes, and a sudden sneer told me

that he was going to feint, fake another swing with the club but not

follow through. He would come at me some other way when I reacted to the

false move. Perhaps he’d drive the two-by-four like a pike straight at

my chest, hoping to knock me down and then smash my face.

While I like to think of myself as a Renaissance man, persuasion and

negotiation were unlikely to bear fruit in this situation, and I

manifestly do not like to think of myself as a dead Renaissance man.

When he feinted, I didn’t wait to see what the bastard’s real plan of

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Categories: Koontz, Dean