Shadow Fortress by James Axler

The metropolis looked exactly the same, but when they swung by the department store to check the sec droid, they found the remains of the machine were gone, and every window in the building was smashed, the sidewalks littered with torn merchandise. Parking the motorcycles a short distance from the store, Ryan and J.B. did a quick recce of the structure and found the interior had been completely trashed, clothing ripped to pieces, ceiling fixtures busted, display cases toppled over and mirrors cracked.

“This kind of destruction wasn’t done by a sec droid,” Ryan said, using the Steyr to touch the mutilated form of a mannequin. There were teeth marks on the torso, and the head had been crushed into lumpy plaster.

“Got to be an ape,” J.B. said, indicating a pile of droppings near an empty rack of candy bars.

“At least one,” Ryan agreed with a scowl. What a pesthole this burg was becomingspiders, sec droids and now the apes were here. The predark city was a treasure trove of supplies, but protected by an army of inhuman guards.

“This is a bad spot to get trapped,” J.B. said, stepping over a clothing rack, the steel pipes bent and twisted. He had a feeling that something was real pissed about not finding any norms here.

“Agreed. Let’s go,” Ryan ordered softly, the SIG-Sauer and Steyr sweeping the darkness outside the range of the lanterns for any movement.

Staying alert, the two men took turns covering each other, one walking while the other stood still, until they backed out of the store into the sunny street. Even then, the men didn’t holster their blasters until among the other companions.

“Hunters are here,” Ryan said, climbing onto his machine. Tucking the Steyr into a gun boot strapped to the frame, he twisted the throttle and the big engine kicked into life.

“Robots and gorillas, behold the alpha and the omega,” Doc rumbled, his frock coat billowing in the morning breeze.

“Think they’re hiding on the rooftops?” Dean asked, craning his neck to look skyward. Nothing was visible above them, except for the patchy clouds, irregular breaks in the storm layer giving brief glimpses of azure blue behind the fiery rads and chems.

“More likely they’re in that park we passed,” Krysty said, flipping her hair over a shoulder. “Animals always return to the familiar, and that’s the only greenery we’ve seen so far on this mesa.”

“Avoid there,” Jak said, sitting at the handlebars in front of Doc. Experimentally, the teenager spread his legs to stand over the bike, and was pleased with the lack of pain from his ankle. Mildred was right he needed only a couple of days’ soaking in hot water. Damn odd way to heal an injury.

Just then, a window slammed shut, and something came off the ledge. The companions crouched and opened fire, blowing the plummeting object into dirty shards, the remains of the flowerpot crashing onto the back seat of a powder-blue convertible parked at the curb.

“Could have been the wind,” J.B. said, sounding uncertain.

“Mebbe,” Krysty replied, swiftly reloading her revolver.

“Not going to take the chance,” Ryan said, revving the bike. “Let’s get out of here and find someplace where we can talk. Start moving.”

Traveling a few blocks, the companions took a corner and braked to a halt in the middle of a deserted intersection. The location gave them a clear field of fire in every direction, and they could see anything coming their way long before it arrived.

“Okay, before we go hunting for the gateway, we better get more supplies,” Ryan ordered, tapping the fuel gauge on the handlebars. Less than half a tank. “Shine is a priority.”

Wisely, the others agreed. The department store had been low on vodka. They needed to find a well-stocked liquor store.

“And additional ammo,” Krysty stated. “Only a couple of rounds for my Webley, and about the same for the Smith.”

“Here,” Dean said, passing the woman a fistful of .38 cartridges. “I’m fine. Still have eighteen rounds for the Weatherby.”


“No prob.”

“Watch for bars, taverns, any place with booze,” Ryan said, driving away slowly. “And stay sharp. We’re gonna need a lot more than a fistful of ammo to stop another sec droid.”

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Categories: James Axler