Sharpe’s Havoc by Bernard Cornwell

„Yes,” Sharpe said, „and I think you should come with us.”

„I must wait for James,” Kate said. She went to a sideboard and, by the light of the moon, poured a glass of port. „For you,” she said.

„How long did the Colonel say he would be?” Sharpe asked.

„A week, maybe ten days.”

„It’s been more than two weeks,” Sharpe said, „very nearly three.”

„He ordered you to wait here,” Kate said.

„Not through eternity,” Sharpe replied. He went to the sideboard and took the port which was Savages’ finest.

„You can’t leave me here,” Kate said.

„I don’t intend to,” Sharpe said. The moon made a shadow of her cheek and glinted from her eyes and he felt a pang of jealousy for Colonel Christopher. „I think you should come.”

„No,” Kate said with a note of petulance, then turned a pleading face to Sharpe. „You can’t leave me here alone!”

„I’m a soldier,” Sharpe said, „and I’ve waited long enough. There’s supposed to be a war in this country, and I’m just sitting here like a lump.”

Kate had tears in her eyes. „What’s happened to him?”

„Maybe he got new orders in Lisbon,” Sharpe suggested.

„Then why doesn’t he write?”

„Because we’re in enemy country now, ma’am,” Sharpe said brutally, „and maybe he can’t get a message to us.” That was very unlikely, Sharpe thought, because Christopher seemed to have plenty of friends among the French. Perhaps the Colonel had been arrested in Lisbon. Or killed by partisans. „He’s probably waiting for you to come south,” he said instead of voicing those thoughts.

„He would send a message,” Kate protested. „I’m sure he’s on his way.”

„Are you?” Sharpe asked.

She sat on a gilt chair, staring out of the window. „He must come back,” she said softly and Sharpe could tell from her tone that she had virtually given up hope.

„If you think he’s coming back,” he said, „then you must wait for him. But I’m taking my men south.” He would leave the next night, he decided. March in the dark, go south, find the river and search its bank for a boat, any boat. Even a tree trunk would do, anything that could float them across the Douro.

„Do you know why I married him?” Kate suddenly asked.

Sharpe was so astounded by the question that he did not answer. He just gazed at her.

„I married him,” Kate said, „because life in Oporto is so dull. My mother and I live in the big house on the hill and the lawyers tell us what happens in the vineyards and the lodge, and the other ladies come to tea, and we go to the English church on Sundays and that is all that ever happens.”

Sharpe still said nothing. He was embarrassed.

„You think he married me for the money, don’t you?” Kate demanded.

„Don’t you?” Sharpe responded.

She stared at him in silence and he half expected her to be angry, but instead she shook her head and sighed. „I dare not believe that,” she said, „though I do believe marriage is a gamble and we don’t know how it will turn out, but we still just hope. We marry in hope, Mister Sharpe, and sometimes we’re lucky. Don’t you think that’s true?”

„I’ve never married,” Sharpe evaded the answer.

„Have you wanted to?” Kate asked.

„Yes,” Sharpe said, thinking of Grace.

„What happened?”

„She was a widow,” Sharpe said, „and the lawyers were making hay with her husband’s will, and we thought that if she married me it would only complicate things. Her lawyers said so. I hate lawyers.” He stopped talking, hurt as he always was by the memory. He drank the port to cover his feelings, then walked to the window and stared down the moonlit drive to where the smoke of the village fires smeared the stars above the northern hills. „In the end she died,” he finished abruptly.

„I’m sorry,” Kate said in a small voice.

„And I hope it turns out well for you,” Sharpe said.

„Do you?”

„Of course,” he said, then he turned to her and he was so close that she had to tilt her head back to see him. „What I really hope,” he said, „is this,” and he bent and kissed her very tenderly on the lips, and for a half-second she stiffened and then she let him kiss her and when he straightened she lowered her head and he knew she was crying. „I hope you’re lucky,” he said to her.

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Categories: Cornwell, Bernard