SHARPE’S REGIMENT by Bernard Cornwell

‘I see,’ she smiled.

Sharpe detected an unhealthy alliance developing already between these two, a repartee at his expense, but he ploughed on. ‘I need to prove these men exist, that they are not a paper Battalion, and I need a powerful ally against my enemies. You understand?’

‘Entirely. What will you do?’

‘I intend,’ he said grandly, ‘to place, the men under the protection of the Prince Regent.’

‘He’s here?’

Sharpe took out his telescope, extended its tubes, and propped it on the saddle of his horse so that she could see the Prince where he inspected the soldiers who would re-enact the battle.

‘He’s very fat.’ She took her eye away and looked at the telescope itself, a gorgeous instrument encased in a barrel of ivory and gold. She read the French inscription aloud. ‘”To Joseph, King of Spain and the Indies, from his brother, Napoleon, Emperor of France.” Richard!’ It was the first time she had used his name. ‘Where did you get it?’

It had been a gift from the Marquesa, but Sharpe thought that was better unsaid. ‘At Vitoria.’

‘It really belonged to King Joseph?’

‘It did. Would you like it?’

‘Only when I’ve bought you another. Do you think Napoleon held this?’

‘I’m sure.’

A gun fired at the far end of the field, startling pigeons into the sky. The Prince and his entourage were back in the pavilion. A trumpet blared, drumsticks fell onto taut skins, and the militia started forward. Mounted officers with speaking trumpets announced to the separate crowds that they watched the advance of the French army, to which event the spectators in their carriages gave polite applause and the public enclosure lusty jeers. The militia had to split in their advance, to pass either side of the trophies which now were parked in a solid phalanx to the south of the review ground. Seeing them there made Sharpe remember the Colours that Sir Henry had purloined to display in his house. He turned and looked at his men. It would do them good to march beneath a standard.



‘If you need me, I’m over there!’ He pointed to the trophies. ‘Would you look after Miss Gibbons?’ He smiled at her, left the telescope in her hands, then pulled himself into his saddle.

Harper looked down on Jane. ‘I’m very happy for you, Miss.’

She smiled so beautifully that he truly was. ‘What’s he doing, Sergeant?’

‘There are some times, Miss, when I don’t ask, I just pray.’

She laughed, and Harper began to think she might even be a good thing for his officer who now reined in beside the trophies in their chariots.

The “chariots” were mere two wheeled carts that had been tricked out with painted cardboard. They were parked in front of the gleaming French guns, each with its wreathed “N” on the barrel that made Sharpe think of Spain and the number of times he had faced such guns. Some of these captured guns had tried to kill him, perhaps at Badajoz or Salamanca, yet now they stood, polished and docile, in a London park. He shouted to the men with the standards. ‘Who’s in charge?’

A major frowned at him. ‘Who the devil are you?’

‘Sharpe. Major Richard Sharpe, and I’ll trouble you to be civil. I’m here for that!’ He pointed at his Eagle, a green laurel wreath draped about its plinth, its one wing still bent where he had killed a man with it.

‘You can’t . . .’ the major started.

Sharpe produced the embossed, engraved invitation card, unfolded it, and waved it at the Major. ‘Orders of His Royal Highness!’

‘Who did you say you were?’

Sharpe smiled. It was pleasant, sometimes, to use the prestige that the Eagle had given to him. ‘I’m the man who captured it.’


‘Yes.’ The happiness of Jane’s arrival still worked in him. He could not fail now! She was going to marry him, and that was a token of success, of a victory greater than this Eagle.

The major was torn between his orders, which were not to let a single captured trophy out of his sight, and this privilege of meeting the man who had provided the first of these Eagles. Sharpe’s uniform disturbed him, but the engraved card seemed impressive. Sharpe smiled again. ‘It’s all nonsense, of course, but Prinny wants to see us with it.’

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