SHARPE’S REGIMENT by Bernard Cornwell

‘You! Who are you?’ It was a cavalry captain, standing in his stirrups and bellowing the angry challenge.

Sharpe ignored the man. ‘Clear ranks! Clear ranks!’ He shouted the order at the militia ahead of him, using a voice which had been forged on parade grounds and practised on battlefields.

‘Halt!’ A colonel was beside him now. ‘Halt your men! I order it!’

‘Prince’s orders! Out the way!’ Sharpe snarled it. He hefted the Eagle higher, and the colonel, thinking that the metal trophy was about to strike at him, sheered his horse to one side.

‘Who the devil are you?’

‘King Joseph of Spain. Now bugger off!’ Sharpe’s voice was vicious, his face a savage mask. The curse astonished the colonel, then Sharpe forced his horse into the widening gap that the splitting militia men were making for him. ‘Close up, Sergeant! Close up!’

The field was shouts and music, blank muskets peppering the air with smoke, and Sharpe shouted the order again, the commonest order of all on a battlefield when files have been flung down by cannon-fire and men shuffle towards the centre of the line and load their guns. ‘Close up! Close up!’

The colonel was spurring after him, but Sharpe was not looking at the man. He was watching the approaching infantry instead, judging how long it would take them to cover the one hundred yards that separated them from the front of his column. ‘Left wheel! Smartly now!’ The colonel tried to grab Sharpe’s rein, but the Eagle swung at the colonel’s horse, striking it over the face so that the beast swerved, reared, and Sharpe was clear. ‘Close ranks! Close ranks!’

He had driven a path of destruction through the carefully reconstructed battle. Instead of the minutely rehearsed defeat, the “enemy” now seemed to be fighting back, bursting through the centre of the line to advance against the astonished victors.

‘Stop!’ the colonel shouted. More marshals were spurring towards the small, ragged column that suddenly, to Sharpe’s bellowed orders, wheeled left to march directly towards the Royal pavilion. ‘March! Heads up! March!’ Sharpe put the Eagle, with the horse’s reins, into his left hand and, with a surge of excitement because he could see his target now, the object of these days of marching and hiding, he drew his great sword. His horse, unused to such commotion, stepped in small, nervous steps, and Sharpe pressed his knees against its flanks to keep it going steadily towards the Prince Regent.

The Royal bodyguard stared in shock at the men who approached them. The right flank of the British advance, loud with cavalry calls, checked because their way was blocked, while the left flank, unobstructed, kept marching forward to throw the whole practised symmetry of the advance into skewed disorder. Four officers now screamed at Sharpe, one shouted at the South Essex to halt, but Harper’s voice was louder than any of the marshals and, despite the nervous glances of their officers, the men marched on. Sharpe was ahead of them. He could see the Prince now, and a man beside him who could only be the Duke of York, and he half turned and shouted the next order at Harper. ‘Deploy!’

They formed line, facing and outflanking the bodyguard, and Sharpe could see the consternation in the Royal stand as men realised that this careful day had been driven into chaos by the dirty, unkempt troops who, with fixed bayonets, now faced the Regent of England, his brother, and the cream of society. The Prince, standing now, was twenty yards from Sharpe, staring at the mounted officer who held the French Eagle high in the air.

‘Guards!’ An officer on the flank of the bodyguard who feared that a volley of musketry was about to soak the Royal stand in blood, shouted at his men to load their weapons.

Sharpe ignored the threat. He rested the sword on his saddle, took off his shako, and stared at the Prince who, recognition dawning, smiled with sudden delight. Sharpe looked down to Harper. ‘RSM? Now!’

This was the manoeuvre they had practised, the manoeuvre never before seen on a battlefield or parade ground, and Sharpe’s men did it before the astonished eyes of the Foot Guards whose ramrods were still thrusting down the unnecessary bullets. The Royal stand, Lord Fenner, the whole bright array of the disordered parade watched as the strange, scruffy troops grounded muskets and, to the orders of a massive sergeant, removed their shakos.

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