SHARPE’S REGIMENT by Bernard Cornwell

They went north in the moon-drenched night. They slanted westwards to where they could see hills and trees, the cover sought by all infantrymen in trouble. They walked fast, pushing away from the Crouch, away from the country that an enraged militia would search in the dawn. Always they watched the west, looking for horsemen, looking for the flash of moonlight on a sabre or badge, but they seemed to be alone in a rich, deep-planted country of sleeping farms, gentle hills, wide pastures, and dark woods.

Dawn ended the exhilaration of their escape. They had reached a hill that showed them the view northwards and it was depressing; worse, it could mean defeat, for, stretching from west to east, bright in the rising sun, was another river. It was a river far wider and deeper than the Crouch. This was a great, shining barrier that blocked their northern escape, just as the sea and the River Crouch blocked them to the east and south. They could only go west and there, Sharpe knew, the cavalry would be waiting. By dawn that cordon of cavalry would start combing this land between the rivers.

He unwrapped the bundle that Jane Gibbons had given him. She was to marry Girdwood? The thought stunned him. Sir Henry would marry her off to that posturing idiot? He remembered her hand on his arm, the sheen of moonlight on her eyes, and he wished, against all his better judgment, that she could share this journey of danger. It would take her from the fate that she feared, which offended Sharpe so horribly and deeply, because he had plans of his own, ridiculous, unfounded plans, marriage plans.

A shabby black cloak wrapped the bundle. Inside was a package of waxed paper that held a great chunk of pale and crumbling cheese, a half-cut loaf and, wrapped in more waxed paper, a strange piece of jellied meat.

‘What is it?’ Harper stared at the meat.

‘Don’t know.’ Sharpe sliced it with the bayonet he had taken from the sentry in Foulness, then ate some. ‘Bloody delicious!’

Beside the cheese was a leather purse that he opened to find, God bless the girl, three guineas in gold.

Harper helped himself to some of the meat. ‘Would you mind me asking you a question, sir?’


‘Did you persuade Sir Henry to leave this for us?’ he grinned.

‘He’s gone to London.’ Sharpe remembered Sir Henry saying as much over Marriott’s body. He cut the cheese. ‘You remember that bugger you killed at Talavera? Christian Gibbons?’


‘Remember his sister?’

Harper had met Jane Gibbons in the porch of the church on that day, nearly four years before, when Sharpe had spoken to her by her brother’s memorial. Harper stared at Sharpe with suspicion and amusement. ‘She left this for us?’

‘Yes.’ Sharpe said it as though it was the most normal thing in the world for young ladies to help men desert from army camps. ‘Good cheese, isn’t it?’

‘Grand.’ Harper still stared at him. ‘I seem to remember, sir, that she was a pretty wee thing?’

‘I seem to remember that, too,’ Sharpe said. Harper laughed, as if unsure what to say, then shook his head as though there was nothing to say. He whistled instead, a sound as insolent as it was amused, and Sharpe laughed. ‘Shall we now forget Miss Gibbons, Sergeant Major?’

‘I will, sir.’

‘And how the devil do we get out of here?’

‘There,’ Harper was pointing north, down to the bank of the wide river, and Sharpe saw, by a huddle of small houses, a line of great barges that lifted their masts high over the shingle roofs of the small village. ‘One of them must be going somewhere, sir.’

‘Let’s find out.’

They walked the mile to the river’s bank, going gently and cautiously, watching always for the cavalrymen whom Sharpe knew must come from the west. No horsemen had appeared yet. Dogs barked as they approached the small hamlet, and Sharpe gestured Harper into the cover of a ditch and gave him the carbine and bayonet. ‘Wait for my signal.’

Sharpe walked on into the tiny village. A dog snapped at him and, outside a shuttered inn, a woman grabbed a child and held it against her skirts until the mud-smeared vagabond had passed. He went down to a small, wooden pier that jutted into the wide river, a pier to which the huge, tall-masted barges were moored.

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Categories: Cornwell, Bernard