SHATTERED by Dean R. Koontz

was slim and hard, and he was no longer the skinny kid, either. Still,

he was awkward with people whom he had just met-and his palms were often

damp with nervous perspiration. Deep inside, he had not forgotten what

it was like to be constantly selfconscious and never self-confident

enough. Watching Colin dry his slender hands, Alex understood why he

had taken an immediate liking to the boy and why they had seemed

comfortable with each other from the day they met eighteen months

before. Nineteen years separated them. But little else.

“He still back there?” Colin asked, breaking into Alex’s thoughts.

“Who? ”

“The van.”

Alex checked the mirror. “He’s there. He doesn’t give up easily.”

“Can I look?”

“You keep your belt on.”

“This is going to be a bad trip,” Colin said morosely.

“It will be if you don’t accept the rules at the start ” Alex agreed.

Traffic’ picked up on the other side of the expressway as the early-bird

commuters began their day and as an occasional truck whistled by on the

last lap of a long cargo haul. On the westbound lanes, their own car

and the van were the only things in sight.

The sun was behind the Thunderbird, where it could not bother them.

Ahead, the sky was marred by only two white clouds. The hills, on both

sides, were green.

When they got on the Pennsylvania turnpike at Valley Forge and went west

toward Harrisburg, Colin said, “What about our tail? ”

“Still there. Some poor FBI agent tracking the wrong prey.”

“He’ll probably lose his job,” Colin said.

“That’ll make an opening for me.”

“You want to be an FBI agent?”

“I’ve thought about it,” Colin admitted.

Alex pulled the Thunderbird into the left lane, passed a car pulling a

horse trailer. Two little girls about Colin’s age were in the back seat

of the car. They pressed against the side window and waved at Colin,

who blushed and looked sternly ahead.

“it wouldn’t be dull in the FBI,” Colin said.

“oh, I don’t know about that. it might be pretty boring when you have

to follow a crook for weeks before he does something exciting.”

“Well, it can’t be any more boring than sitting under a seatbelt all the

way to California, ” Colin said.

God, Alex thought, I walked into that one. He took the car into the

right lane again, set the automatic accelerator for an even seventy

miles per hour so that if Colin got too interesting they would still

make decent time. “When that guy following us gets us on a lonely

stretch of road and runs us into a ditch, you’ll thank me for making you

wear your belt. It’ll save your life.”

Colin turned and looked at him, his big brown eyes made even larger by

the eyeglasses. “I guess you aren’t going to give in.”

“You guessed right.”

Colin sighed. “You’re more or less my father now. Aren’t you?”

“I’m your sister’s husband. But . . . Since your sister has custody

of you, I guess you could say I have a father’s right to make rules

you’ll live by.”

Colin shook his head, brushed his long hair out of his eyes. “I don’t

know. Maybe it was better being an orphan.”

“Oh, you think so, do you?” Doyle asked, full of mock anger.

“If you hadn’t come along, I wouldn’t have gotten a plane ride to

Boston,” Colin admitted. “I wouldn’t get to go to California either.

But . . . I don’t know.”

“You’re too much,” Doyle said, ruffling the boy’s hair with one hand.

Sighing loudly, as if he needed the patience of job in order to get

along with Doyle, the boy smoothed his mussed hair with a comb he kept

in his hip pocket. He put the comb away, straightened his King Kong

T-shirt. “Well, I’ll have to think about it. I’m just not sure yet.”

The engine was silent. The tires made almost no noise on the

well-surfaced roadbed.

Five minutes slipped by without awkwardness; they were comfortable

enough with each other to endure silence. However, Colin grew restless

and began to tap wildly elaborate rhythms on his bony knees.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean