Sign of chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 10, 11, 12

When my door opened after a long while, Mandor looked in both directions. He raised his hand when I began to move toward him. I halted, and he stepped outside and came toward me. He continued to glance about as he advanced.

“This is Amber palace?” he inquired.

“Yes. Not the most fashionable wing, perhaps, but I call it home.”

“I’d like to see it under more relaxed circumstances,” he said.

I nodded. “It’s a date. So tell me, what happened in there?”

He looked away, discovered the tapestry, studied it.

“It’s very peculiar,” he said. “I can’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“You still trust me, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Then trust me in this. I’ve a good reason for not telling you what I learned.”

“Come on, Mandor! What the hell’s going on?”

“The ty’iga is not a danger to you. It really does care about your welfare.”

“So what else is new? I want to know why. “

“Leave it,” he said, “for now. It’s better that way.”

I shook my head. I made a fist and looked around for something to hit.

“I know how you feel, but I’m asking you to drop it,” he said.

“You mean the knowledge would hurt me in some way?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Or do you mean that you’re afraid to tell me?”

“Drop it’” he said.

I turned away and got control of myself.

“You must have a good reason,” I finally decided.

“I do.”

“I’m not going to give up on this,” I told him. “But I haven’t the time to pursue it further against this kind of resistance. Okay, you have your reasons and I have pressing business elsewhere.”

“She mentioned Jurt and Mask and the Keep where Brand gained his powers,” he said.

“Yes, that’s where I’ll be heading.”

“She expects to accompany you.”

“She is wrong.”

“I would counsel against taking her, too.”

“You’ll keep her for me until I’ve taken care of things?”

“No,” he said, “because I’m coming with you. I’ll put her into a very deep trance, though, before we depart.”

“But you don’t know what’s been going on since our dinner. A lot has happened, and I just haven’t the time to bring you up to date.”

“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “I know that it involves an unfriendly sorcerer, Jurt, and a dangerous place. That’s enough. I’ll come along and give you a hand.”

“But that may not be enough,” I countered. “We may not be enough.”

“Even so, I think the ty’iga could turn into a hindrance.”

“I wasn’t referring to her. I was thinking about the stiff lady near the door.”

“I’d meant to ask you about her. Some enemy you’re punishing?”

“She had been an enemy, yes. And she’s nasty, untrustworthy, and has a poisonous bite. She’s also a deposed queen. I didn’t freeze her, though. The sorcerer who’s after me did it. She’s the mother of a friend, and I rescued her and brought her back here for safekeeping. I had no reason for releasing her, until now.”

“Ah, as an ally against her old enemy.”

“Exactly. She’s well acquainted with the place I’m going. But she doesn’t like me and she’s not easy to deal with-and I don’t really know whether her son gave me enough ammunition to make her trustworthy.”

“Do you feel she’d be a real asset?”

“Yes. I’d like to have all of that animus on my side. And I understand she’s an accomplished sorceress.”

“If additional persuading is needed, there are only threats and bribes. I’ve a few private hells I’ve designed and furnished-for purely esthetic reasons. She might find a quick tour very impressive. On the other hand, I could send for a pot of jewels.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Her motivations are somewhat complex. Let me handle this, as far as I’m able.”

“Of course. Those were only suggestions.”

“As I see it, the next order of business is to rouse her, put the proposition to her, and attempt to judge her response.”

“There is no one else you might m going. It could easily result in an order not to, until Random gets back. I haven’t the time to wait around.”

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger