Sign of chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 8,9

Sign of chaos. Chapter 8,9


After a pleasant time with a pretty lady, a series of stimulating hallway conversations, and a relaxing dinner with family and friends, it seemed almost fitting that it be time for something different and distracting. The idea of a small war seemed, at least, better than a big one, though I did not say that to Vialle. A moment’s careful thought, and I shaped the query:

“What’s going on?”

“Dalt’s men are dug in near the western edge of Arden,” she said.

“Julian’s are strung out facing them. Benedict has taken Julian additional men and weapons. He says he can execute a flanking movement that will take Dalt’s line apart. But I told him not to.”

“I don’t understand. Why not?”

“Men will die,” she said.

“That’s the way it is in war. Sometimes you have no choice.”

“But we do have a choice, of sorts,” she said, “one that I don’t understand. And I do want to understand it before I give an order that will result in numerous of deaths.”

“What is the choice?” I asked.

“I came here to respond to a Trump message from Julian,” she said. “He had just spoken with Dalt under a flag of truce. Dalt told him that his objective was not, at this time, the destruction of Amber. He pointed out that he could conduct an expensive attack, though, in terms of our manpower and equipment. He said he’d rather save himself and us the expense, however. What he really wants is for us to turn two prisoners over to him-Rinaldo and Jasra.”

“Huh?” I said. “Even if we wanted to, we can’t give him Luke. He’s not here.”

“That is what Julian told him. He seemed very surprised. For some reason, he believed we had Rinaldo in custody.”

“Well, we’re not obliged to provide the man with an education. I gather he’s bean something of a pain for years. I think Benedict has the right answer for him.”

“I did not call you in for advice,” she said.

“Sorry,” I told her. “It’s just that I don’t like seeing someone trying to pull a stunt like this and actually believing he has a chance of success.”

“He has no chance of success,” Vialle stated. “But if we kill him now, we learn nothing. I would like to find out what is behind this.”

“Have Benedict bring him in. I have spells that will open him up.”

She shook her head.

“Too risky,” she explained. “Once bullets start flying, there’s the chance one might find him. Then we lose even though we win.”

“I don’t understand what it is that you want of me.”

“He asked Julian to get in touch with us and relay his demand. He’s promised to hold the truce until we give him some sort of official answer. Julian says he has the impression that Dalt would settle for either one of them.”

“I don’t want to give him Jasra either.”

“Neither do I. What I do want very badly is to know what is going on. There would be small point in releasing Jasra and asking her, since this is a recent development. I want to know whether you have means of getting in touch with Rinaldo. I want to talk to him.”

“Well, uh … yes,” I said. “I have a Trump for him.”

“Use it.”

I got it out. I regarded it. I moved my mind into that special area of alertness and calling. The picture changed came alive…

It was twilight, and Luke stood near a campfire. He had on his green outfit, a light brown cloak about his shoulders clasped with that Phoenix pin.

“Merle,” he said. “I can move the troops pretty fast. When do you want to hit the place and-“

“Put it on hold,” I interrupted. “This is something different. “


“Dalt’s at the gates; and Vialle wants to talk to you before we take him apart.”

“Dalt? There? Amber?”

“Yes, yes, and yes. He says he’ll go and play someplace else if we give him the two things he wants most in the world: you and your mother.”

“That’s crazy.”

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