Sign of chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 8,9

Julian’s gaze met mine, and I wore as affectless a mask as his own.

“Good evening, Merlin,” he said. “Do you have a special part in this plan?”

“I’m an observer,” I answered. “Anything else I may do will be dictated by circumstance.”

From somewhere outside I heard the growling of a hellhound.

“So long as you keep out of the way,” Julian said.

I smiled.

“Sorcerers have special ways of avoiding notice, “ I replied.

He studied me again, wondering, I am certain, whether that involved some sort of threat to defend Luke or avenge him.

Then he shrugged and turned away to where a small table held an unrolled map, weighted in place with a rock and a dagger. He indicated that Luke should join him there, and I followed when he did.

It was a map of the western fringe of Arden, and he’ pointed out our position on it. Garnath lay to our south-southwest, Amber to the southeast.

“Our troops are situated here;” he said, with a movement of his finger. “And Dalt’s are here.” He described another line, roughly paralleling our own.

“What about Benedict’s force?” I inquired.

He glanced at me, showing the slightest of frowns.

“It is good for Luke to know that there is such a force,” he stated, “but not its size, location, or objective. That way, if Dalt were to capture and question him, he’d have a lot to worry about and nothing to act upon.”

Luke nodded. “Good idea,” he said.

Julian pointed again, to a spot midway between the lines. “This is the place where I met with him when we spoke earlier,” he explained. “It is a clear, level area, in view of both sides during daylight. I’d suggest we use it again, for your meeting.”

“All right,” Luke said, and I noticed that as he spoke, Julian’s fingertips caressed the handle of the dagger that lay before him. Then I saw that Luke’s right hand, in casual movement, had come to rest upon his belt, slightly to the left and near to his own dagger.

Simultaneously, then, Luke and Julian smiled at each other, and held it several seconds too long. Luke was bigger than Julian, and I knew he was fast and strong. But Julian had centuries of experience with weapons behind him. I wondered how I would intervene if either made a move toward the other, because I knew that I

would try to stop them. But they let their hands fall to their sides then, as if by sudden agreement, and Julian said, “Let me offer you a glass of wine.”

“Don’t mind if I do,” Luke replied, and I wondered whether my presence had kept them from fighting. Probably not. I’d the feeling that Julian had just wanted to make his feelings clear, and Luke had wanted to let him know he didn’t give a damn. I really don’t know which one I’d have bet on.

Julian placed three cups upon the table, filled them with Bayle’s Best, gestured for us to help ourselves as he corked the bottle, then picked up the remaining cup and took a swallow before either of us could do more than sniff ours. A quick assurance that we weren’t being poisoned and that he wanted to talk business.

“When I met with him we each brought two retainers along,” he said.

“Armed?” I asked.

He nodded.

“More for show, really.”

“Were you mounted or on foot?” Luke asked.

“On foot,” he replied. “We each left our lines at the same time and proceeded at the same pace till we met there in the middle, several hundred paces from either side.”

“I see,” Luke said. “No hitches?”

“None. We talked and returned.”

“When was this?”

“Around sundown. “

“Did he seem to be a man in a normal state of mind?”

“I’d say. I count a certain arrogant posturing and a few insults toward Amber as normal for Dalt.”

“Understandable,” Luke said. “And he wanted me or my mother, or both? And failing to get us, he threatened to attack?”


“Did he give any indication as to why he wants us?”

“None,” Julian replied.

Luke took a sip of his wine.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger