Six Moon Dance by Sheri S. Tepper

“He talks like an actor,” said Ellin. “And he moves like a dancer. Don’t you agree, Bao?”

“Yes, I am concurring,” said Bao, his voice thickening slightly. The pale gardener resembled someone he had once known well but far too briefly. He cleared his throat. “His voice is projecting extremely well. I am having feelings of recognition, as when I am meeting someone of my own profession. His work is seeming to say that making women happy is mostly acting!”

The Questioner nodded ponderously. “Not a definition most women would appreciate, though I don’t doubt its truth. More often it is women who do the acting. On Generis, in fact, prostitutes belong to the actors’ guild, for it is recognized their profession is pretense. Let us consider: if there were other gardeners here before, and these are here now, presumably they had to get these from somewhere. So, they got them from nonessential areas? The sea and … whatever this other thing is?”

“Compensation,” said Ellin. “Consorts provide pleasurable compensation. The Hags at the Temple referred to it, remember? But I forgot to ask them what it was.”

“I am having one thing more to report,” said Bao, referring to his notes. “There is most unpleasant smell … “

“The one out at the back,” the Questioner said, nodding as she pointed vaguely away. “Yes. I wandered about while you were in town. The smell is near the servants’ quarters. My lexicoa would identify this particular smell as a considerable stink.”

“Oh, that at least,” muttered Ellin. “Bao and I thought it was maybe animal excrement.”

The Questioner considered this. “Animal excrement is accumulated near the stables and spread upon the fields. It smells, yes, but this stink has a much higher rating than animal excrement. The ooze of the volbers of Planet Gosh, a notable stench, rates a maximum of seven. This rates an eleven on a scale of twelve. A most putrescent and malodorous reek! Which raises an interesting question. How and why do the servants tolerate it?”

“It seems a minor matter,” Ellin remarked, “but we can ask the servants.”

“Mercy me, no.” Questioner smiled. “One cannot imagine such fetor existing without Mistress Mantelby’s knowledge, though it may be something she would prefer not to discuss. With that in mind, we’ll play a little game to learn why it is she is not greatly offended.”

She then took a few moments to rehearse them, then sent one of the Mantelby servants to Mistress Mantelby, requesting a guided stroll in the gardens for the Questioner and two of her aides.

Marool’s immediate reaction was to reject any such claim on her time, but she caught herself. The Questioner’s numerous entourage was causing a good deal of agitation, and the repression of Marool’s normal appetites was becoming a grave annoyance. The sooner the Questioner could be satisfied and depart, the sooner Marool herself could resume her usual devotions.

She agreed, therefore, to meet the Questioner on the terrace. Questioner showed up with Bao, in wig, and Ellin, who had been coached to be quite Perkins in her persona, as polite as it was possible to be. They proceeded downward into the garden from the lofty and balustered terrace, Questioner leading the way without at all seeming to do so, while Ellin and Bao chatted inoffensively and commented effusively. Marool, though totally contemptuous of the Questioner and her entourage, was lulled into a state of complacent disdain.

“I so seldom have time merely to walk,” Questioner murmured. “One would not think strolling much of an amusement, but we spent such a long time coming to your lovely world, and the ships are never large enough to walk in. I find this gentle ambulation quite wonderful. And may I say, Mistress Mantelby, how beautiful your gardens are. I have seen many, all over the sector, and yours are among the loveliest.”

“Oh, that’s so true,” bubbled Ellin.

“How very kind,” smiled Marool, soothed into amiability.

“Oh!” cried Ellin, on approaching a certain corner. “Nova roses. My favorite. May I pick one?”

Marool condescended, looking on with amusement while Ellin stepped lightly into the back of a bed where she clipped an enormous silver white blossom and put her nose into it. She then offered it to Marool, saying, “The scent is quite remarkable.”

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Categories: Tepper, Sheri S