Smiley’s People by John le Carré

‘It was during the Spanish Civil War,’ said Smiley.

‘The great playground. Well, well. To continue. “The Thirteenth Directorate is a separate service within Moscow Centre, since its principal duty is the recruitment, training and placing of illegal agents under deep cover in Fascist countries, known also as moles… blah… blah,… blah. Often a mole will take many years to find his place inside the target country before he becomes active in secret work.” Shades of Bloody Bill Haydon. “The task of servicing such moles is not entrusted to normal overseas residencies but to a Karla representative, as he is known, usually a military officer, whose daywork is to be an attaché of an Embassy. Such representatives are hand-picked by Karla personally and constitute an elite… blah… blah… enjoying privileges of trust and freedom not given to other Centre officers, also travel and money. They are accordingly objects of jealousy to the rest of the service.” ‘

Enderby affected to draw breath : ‘Christ, these translators!’ he exclaimed. ‘Or maybe it’s just Kirov being a perishing little bore. You’d think a man making his deathbed confession would have the grace to keep it brief, wouldn’t you? But not our Kirov, oh no. How you doing, Sam?’

‘Fine, Chief, fine.’

‘Here we go again,’ said Enderby, and resumed his ritual tone : ‘ “In the course of my general investigations into financial irregularities, the integrity of a Karla resident came into question, the resident in Lisbon, Colonel Orlov. Karla convened a secret tribunal of his own people to hear the case, and as a result of my evidence Colonel Orlov was liquidated in Moscow on June 10, 1973.” That checks, you say, Sam?’

‘We have an unconfirmed defector report that he was shot by firing-squad,’ said Collins breezily.

‘Congratulations, Comrade Kirov, the embezzler’s friend. Jesus. What a snake pit. Worse than us.’ Enderby continued : ‘ “For my part in bringing the criminal Orlov to justice I was personally congratulated by Karla, and also sworn to secrecy, since he considered the irregularity of Colonel Orlov a shame on his Directorate, and damaging to his standing within Moscow Centre. Karla is known as a comrade of high standards of integrity, and for this reason has many enemies among the ranks of the self-indulgent.” ‘

Enderby deliberately paused, and yet again glanced at Smiley over the top of his half-lenses.

‘We all spin the ropes that hang us, right, George?’

‘We’re a bunch of suicidal spiders, Chief,’ said Collins heartily, and flashed an even broader smile at a place somewhere between the two of them.

But Smiley was lost in his reading of Kirov’s statement and not accessible to pleasantries.

‘Skip the next year of Brother Kirov’s life and loves, and let’s come to his next meeting with Karla,’ Enderby proposed, undeterred by Smiley’s taciturnity. ‘The nocturnal summons… that’s standard, I gather.’ He turned a couple of pages. Smiley, following Enderby, did the same. ‘Car pulls up outside Kirov’s Moscow apartment – why can’t they say flat for God’s sake, like anyone else? – he’s hauled out of bed and driven to an unknown destination. They lead a rum life, don’t they, those gorillas in Moscow Centre, never knowing whether they’re getting a medal or a bullet?’ He referred to the report again. ‘All that tallies, does it, George? The journey and stuff? Half an hour by car, small plane, and so forth?’

‘The Thirteenth Directorate has three or four establishments, including a large training camp near Minsk,’ Smiley said.

Enderby turned some more pages.

‘So here’s Kirov back in Karla’s presence again; middle of nowhere, the same night. Karla and Kirov totally alone. Small wooden hut, monastic atmosphere, no trimmings, no witnesses – or none visible. Karla goes straight to the nub. How would Kirov like a posting to Paris? Kirov would like one very much, sir-‘ He turned another page. ‘Kirov always admired the Thirteenth Directorate, sir, blah, blah – always been a great fan of Karla’s – creep, crawl, creep. Sounds like you, Sam. Interesting that Kirov thought Karla looked tired – notice that point? – twitchy. Karla under stress, smoking like a chimney.’

‘He always did that,’ said Smiley.

‘Did what?’

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Categories: John Le Carre