Spellsinger 03 – The Day of the Dissonance by Foster, Alan Dean

bed, but I’m not tired. I know it doesn’t make any sense,

but I’m going up to this Friends of the Street place to

make a last check on Folly.”

Mudge threw up his hands. ” ‘Umans! Now, wot do you

want to go and waste your time with that for, mate? The

girl’s a closed chapter, she is.”


Alan Dean Foster

“A closed chapter,” Jalwar agreed, “with a happy

ending. Leave it be. Why aggravate yourself?”

“I won’t aggravate myself. It’ll just take a minute.” He

plucked one string of his duar. “I owe her a farewell song

and I want to let her know that we’ll probably be coming

back this way, in case she wants to see us or anything.”

“Pitiful,” Mudge mumbled. “Plumb pitiful. Right then,

mate, come on. Let’s get it over with.”

“You don’t have to come,” Jen-Tom reminded him.

“What about your big supper?”

“It’ll keep.” He took the man’s arm and urged him up

the street. They climbed the first hill.

“Look at it, mate. The night’s as black as the inside of

a process-server’s ‘eart.” He stared up the narrow, winding

avenue. “You sure we can find this place?”

Jon-Tom nodded. “It’s atop a hill. We can always ask

directions. We’re not helpless.”

“No,” said a new voice, startling them, “not now

you’re not.”

“Roseroar… you’re not hungry either?”

“Ah’ve got a beilyfull of thunder,” she shot back, “but

ah figured ah’d better come along to make sure you two

don’t end up in an alley somewheres. Those muggahs may

still be working this area.”

“We can take care of ourselves, luv,” said Mudge.

“Ah’m sure you can, but you can take better care o’

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Categories: Alan Dean Foster