Spellsinger 03 – The Day of the Dissonance by Foster, Alan Dean

every kind, suitable for sustaining the energetic offspring

of many races. Beyond, the reason for the interlocking

architecture became apparent. It circled to enclose a

broad courtyard. Play areas were marked out beneath

several bubbling fountains, and tall trees shaded the grounds.

Roseroar bent to whisper to him. “Come, haven’t y’all

seen enough? The girl will be well cared fo heah.”

“I have to admit it’s not the kind of place I expected,”

he confessed. “Hell, I’d be half-tempted to move in

myself.” He raised his voice as he spoke to the Headmas-

ter. “Terrific-looking place you run here, Chokas.”



The man nodded his thanks. “We are privileged to serve

as guardians and protectors of the homeless and those who

have lost their way at a tender age. We take our responsi-

bilities seriously.”

“What sort o’ schooling do they get?” Roseroar asked.

“Histories, geographies, mathematics, training in the

social verities, domestic subjects such as cooking and

sewing. Physical education. Instruction in discipline and

courtesy. A well-rounded curriculum, we believe.”

“I’ve seen enough.” Jon-Tom glanced toward the second-

floor dormitories. “So long, Folly. It was interesting know-

ing you. Have a full and happy life and maybe we’ll meet

again someday.” He turned back toward the entry hall.

“Thanks again for the tour, Chokas.”

“My pleasure. Please come visit us anytime, sir. The

Friends of the Street encourages visitation.”

The front door closed quietly behind them, leaving the

trio standing on the cobblestone avenue outside. Roseroar

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