Spellsinger 03 – The Day of the Dissonance by Foster, Alan Dean

in the alley, a fact he was acutely conscious of.

“Now, mate, take it easy. We needed them supplies,

now, didn’t we? Tis in a good cause, ain’t it? Think o’ ‘is



poor sickly wizardship lyin’ and waitin’ for us way back in

Lynchbany and all the folks who need ‘im well and ‘ealthy


“How did you manage it, Mudge? How did you cheat

so many of them at the same time?”

“Well, we otter folk are known for our quickness, and

I’ve always been quick as any.”

“Y’all must’ve been a little too quick this time.”

Roseroar peered toward the inn. “Judgin* from the number

o’ police about, ah’d say you defrauded moah than a few

idle sailors.”

“Wouldn’t be much point in defrauding poor folks,

now, would there, luv? Wot we got from sellin’ the ship

weren’t near enough to buy supplies an’ equipment for a

proper expedition, but ’twere plenty to buy me into a

handsome game o’ chance with a few leadin’ citizens.”

“Fat lot of good those supplies do us now,” Jon-Tom


Jalwar was rummaging through a pile of broken crates.

“Here.” He dragged out their backpacks. “I was able to

throw these from our rooms while they were still searching

for us below. It was all I had time to save.”

Jon-Tom wiped grime from his own pack. “Jalwar,

you’re a wonder. Thanks.”

“A small service, sir.” Jon-Tom didn’t bother to correct

the ferret anymore. Let him say “sir” if it pleased him. “I

only wish I could have informed you sooner, but I could

not follow your path quickly enough.” He smiled apologeti-

cally. “These aged legs of mine.”

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