Spellsinger 03 – The Day of the Dissonance by Foster, Alan Dean

marten presciently.

Jon-Tom ignored the comment. “Where would a visitor

go for a little harmless fun and entertainment in Timswitty?”

“Well now,” replied the marten primly, “I am a family

man myself. You might try the Golden Seal. They offer

folksinging by many species and occasionally a string trio

from Kolansor.”

“You don’t understand.” Jon-Tom grinned insinuatingly.

“I’m looking for a good time, not culture.”

“I see.” The marten sighed. “Well, if you will go down

the main street to Born Lily Lane and follow the lane to its

end, you will come to two small side streets leading off

into separate cul-de-sacs. Take the north close. If the smell

and noise isn’t enough to guide you further, look for the

small sign just above an oil lamp, the one with the carving

of an Afghan on it.”

“As in canine or cloth?”

The marten wet his lips. “The place is called the

Elegant Bitch. No doubt you will find its pleasures suita-

ble. I wouldn’t know, of course. I am a family man.”

“Of course,” said Jon-Tom gravely. “Thanks.”

As he made his solitary way down the dimly lit main

street, he found himself wishing Talea was at his side.

Talea of the flame-red hair and infinite resourcefulness.

Talea of the blind courage and quick temper. Did he love

her? He wasn’t sure anymore. He thought so, thought she

loved him in return. But she was too full of life to settle

down as the wife of an itinerant spellsinger who had not

yet managed to master his craft.

Not long after the battle of the Jo-Troom Gate, she had

regretfully proposed they go their separate ways, at least

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