Starship Titanic by Douglas Adams

About this time, Terry Jones came into the production office. One of the characters in the game is a semi-deranged workman’s parrot which had been left on board the ship, and Terry had agreed to play the voice part. In fact it was clearly the part he had been born to play. When Terry saw all the graphics and character animations we had been creating over the previous months he became very excited about the whole project and uttered the fateful words,

‘Is there anything else you need doing?’ I said,

‘You wanna write a novel?’ and Terry said,

‘Yeah, all right. Provided,’ he added, ‘I can write it in the nude.’

Terry is one of the most famous people in the known universe, and his bottom is only slightly less well known than his face. It has, of course, only been displayed when strictly necessary on artistic grounds, but such is the nature of his art that this has turned out to be extraordinarily often. From NakedMan Playing Organ and Man in Bed with Carol Cleveland from the Monty Python TV show, to Naked Hermit in Pit in Monty Python’s Life of Brian (a movie that he directed naked, while the rest of the cast remained largely clothed), the creative life has been one long nudist romp for Mr Jones. He is also renowned as a film and TV director, scriptwriter, medieval scholar, author of children’s books, including the award-winning The Saga of Erik the Viking, but none of these activities provide quite enough sheer kit removal opportunities for him. Hence his stipulation that he would write Starship Titanic in the nude. In comes all the freshness, lightness, and lyrical vulnerability of a man sitting at his word processor butt-naked.

I’ve always wanted to collaborate on something with Terry ever since I first met him almost twenty-five years ago, wearing a pretty floral dress and heaving a small tactical nuclear device on to the back of a cart in a leafy suburban street in Exeter. As you are about to discover, he has written an altogether sillier, naughtier and more wonderful novel than I would have done and in doing so has earned himself an altogether unique credit –

Parrot and Novel by Terry Jones

– Douglas Adams


‘Where is Leovinus?’ demanded the Gat of Blerontis, Chief Quantity Surveyor of the entire North Eastern Gas District of the planet of Blerontin. ‘No! I do not want another bloody fish-paste sandwich!’

He did not exactly use the word ‘bloody’ because it did not exist in the Blerontin language. The word he used could be more literally translated as ‘similar in size to the left earlobe’, but the meaning was much closer to ‘bloody’. Nor did he actually use the phrase ‘fish-paste’, since fish do not exist on Blerontin in the form in which we would understand them to be fish. But when one is translating from a language used by a civilization of which we know nothing, located as far away as the centre of the Galaxy, one has to approximate.

Similarly the Gat of Blerontis was not exactly a ‘Quantity Surveyor’ and certainly the term ‘North Eastern Gas District’ gives no idea at all about the magnificence and grandeur of his position. Look, perhaps I’d better start again.

‘Where is Leovinus?’ demanded the Gat of Blerontis, the Most Important and Significant Statesman on the entire planet of Blerontin. ‘The launch cannot proceed without him.’

Several minor officials were dispatched to search for the great man. Meanwhile the vast crowd simmered with mounting impatience in front of the grand Assembly Dock, where the new Starship stood veiled in its attractive pink silk sheeting. Not one member of the crowd had glimpsed even so much as a nut or a bolt of the ship, but already its fame had swept the Galaxy from spiral arm to spiral arm.

Back on the launch podium, the great Leovinus had still not been sighted. A minor official was explaining yet again to the Gat of Blerontis why the ‘fish-paste’ sandwiches were essential.

‘Normally, Your Stupendous And Most Lofty Magnificence, you would be quite right in supposing that the mere launch of a Starship would not be marked out by such distinguished observances. But, as you are aware, this Starship is different, This Starship is the greatest, most gorgeous, most technologically advanced Starship ever built – this is the Ultimate Starship – the greatest cybernautic achievement of this or any other age, and it is utterly indestructible. The Inter-Galactic Council therefore thought it suitable to declare it a “fish-paste sandwich” event.’

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Categories: Douglas Adams