Stephen King – The Body

the world, watching the cigarette smoke drift away into the soft twilight. None of us

inhaled because we might cough and that would mean a day or two of ragging from

the others. And it was pleasant enough just to drag and blow, hawking into the fire to hear the sizzle (that was the summer I learned how you can pick out someone who is

just learning to smoke: if you’re new at it you spit a lot). We were feeling good. We

smoked the Winstons down to the filters, then tossed them into the fire. ‘Nothin’ like a smoke after a meal,’ Teddy said.

‘Fucking-A,’ Vern agreed.

Crickets had started to hum in the green gloom. I looked up at the lane of sky

visible through the railroad cut and saw that the blue was now bruising towards purple.

Seeing that outrider of twilight made me feel sad and calm at the same: me, brave but

not really brave, comfortably lonely.

We tramped down a flat place in the underbrush beside the embankment and

laid out our bedrolls. Then, for an hour or so, we fed the fire and talked, the kind of talk you can never quite remember once you get past fifteen and discover girls. We

talked about who was the best dragger in Castle Rock, if Boston could maybe stay out

of the cellar this year, and about the summer just past. Teddy told about the time he

had been at White’s Beach in Brunswick and some kid had hit his head while diving

off the float and almost drowned. We discussed at some length the relative merits of

the teachers we had had. We agreed that Mr. Brooks was the biggest pussy in Castle

Rock Elementary–he would just about cry if you sassed him back. On the other hand,

there was Mrs. Cote (pronounced Cody)–she was just about the meanest bitch God

had ever set down on the earth. Vern said he’d heard she hit a kid so hard two years

ago that the kid almost went blind. I looked at Chris, wondering if he would say anything about Miss Simons, but he didn’t say anything at all, and he didn’t see me

looking at him–he was looking at Vern and nodding soberly at Vern’s story.

We didn’t talk about Ray Brower as the dark drew down, but I was thinking

about him. There’s something horrible and fascinating about the way dark comes to

the woods, its coming unsoftened by headlights or streetlights or houselights or neon.

It comes with no mothers’ voices, calling for their kids to leave off and come on in

now, to herald it. If you’re used to the town, the coming of the dark in the woods

seems more like a natural disaster than a natural phenomenon; it rises like the Castle River rises in the spring. And as I thought about the body of Ray Brower in this light–

or lack of it–what I felt was not queasiness or fear that he would suddenly appear

before us, a green and gibbering banshee whose purpose was to drive us back the way

we had come before we could disturb his–its–peace, but a sudden and unexpected

wash of pity that he should be so alone and so defenceless in the dark that was now

coming over our side of the earth. If something wanted to eat him, it would. His

mother wasn’t here to stop that from happening, and neither was his father, nor Jesus

Christ in the company of all the saints. He was dead and he was all alone, flung off

the railroad tracks and into the ditch, and I realized that if I didn’t stop thinking about it, I was going to cry. So I told a Le Dio story, made up on the spot and not very good, and when it ended as most of my Le Dio stories did, with one lone American dogface

coughing out a dying declaration of patriotism and love for the girl back home into

the sad and wise face of the platoon sergeant, it was not the white, scared face of

some pfc from Castle Rock or White River Junction I saw in my mind’s eye but the

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