Stephen King – The Body

I dropped my schoolbooks on the sidewalk and ran. I was busting my buns but

they caught me before I even made the end of the block. Ace hit me with a flying

tackle and I went full-length on the paving. My chin hit the cement and I didn’t see

stars; I saw whole constellations, whole nebulae. I was already crying when they

picked me up, not so much from my elbows and knees, both pairs scraped and

bleeding, or even from fear–it was vast, impotent rage that made me cry. Chris was

right. He had been ours. I twisted and turned and almost squiggled free. Then Fuzzy

hoicked his knee into my crotch. The pain was amazing, incredible, nonpareil; it

widened the horizons of pain from plain old wide screen to Vista Vision. I began to

scream. Screaming seemed to be my best chance.

Ace punched me twice in the face, long and looping haymaker blows. The first

one closed my left eye; it would be four days before I was really able to see out of that eye again The second broke my nose with a crunch that sounded the way crispy cereal

sounds inside your head when you chew. Then old Mrs Chalmers came out on her

porch with her cane clutched in one arthritis-twisted hand and a Herbert Tareyton

jutting from one corner of her mouth. She began to bellow at them: ‘Hi! Hi there, you

boys! You stop that! Let ‘im alone! Let ‘im up! Bullies! Bullies! Two on one! Police!


‘Don’t let me see you around, dipshit,’ Ace said, smiling, and they let go of me

and backed off. I sat up and then leaned over, cupping my wounded balls, sickly sure

I was going to throw up and then die. I was still crying, too. But when Fuzzy started

to walk around me, the sight of his pegged jeans-leg snugged down over the top of his motorcycle boot brought all the fury back. I grabbed him and bit his calf through his

jeans. I bit him just as hard as I could. Fuzzy began to do a little screaming of his own.

He also began hopping around on one leg, and, incredibly, he was calling me a dirty

fighter. I was watching him hop around and that was when Ace stamped down on my

left hand, breaking the first two fingers. I heard them break. They didn’t sound like

crispy cereal. They sounded like pretzels. Then Ace and Fuzzy were going back to

Ace’s ’52, Ace sauntering with his hands in his back pockets, Fuzzy hopping on one

leg and throwing curses back over his shoulder at me. I curled up on the sidewalk,

crying. Aunt Evvie Chalmers came down her walk, thudding her cane angrily as she

came. She asked me if I needed the doctor. I sat up and managed to stop most of the

crying. I told her I didn’t. ‘Bullshit,’ she bellowed–Aunt Evvie was deaf and bellowed everything. ‘I saw where that bully got you. Boy, your sweetmeats are going to swell

up to the size of Mason jars.’ She took me into her house, gave me a wet rag for my

nose–it had begun to resemble a summer squash by then–and gave me a big cup of

medicinal-tasting coffee that was somehow calming. She kept bellowing at me that

she should call the doctor and I kept telling her not to. Finally she gave up and I

walked home. Very slowly, I walked home. My balls weren’t the size of Mason jars

yet, but they were on their way. My mom and dad got a look at me and wigged right

out -I was sort of surprised that they noticed anything at all, to tell the truth. Who were the boys? Could I pick them out of a line-up? That from my father, who never

missed Naked City and The Untouchables. I said I didn’t think I could pick the boys

out of a line-up. I said I was tired. Actually I think I was in shock–in shock and more than a little drunk from Aunt Evvie’s coffee, which must have been at least sixty per

cent VSOP brandy. I said I thought they were from some other town, or from ‘up the

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