Stephen King – Umney’s last case

I waved it away, suddenly tired. “Who in the name of Christ would want to paint this place, anyway?”

It wasn’t them I was asking, but the painter who’d offered me the business card

answered just the same. “Well, it

brightens the place up,” he said cautiously. “You gotta admit that.”

“Son,” I asked, taking a step toward him, “did your mother ever have any kids that lived, or did she just produce the

occasional afterbirth like you?’

“Hey, whatever, whatever,” he said, taking a step backward. I followed his worried gaze down to my own balled-up

fists and forced them open again. He didn’t look very relieved, and I actually didn’t blame him very much. “You don’t

like it–you’re coming through loud and clear on that score. But I gotta do what the boss tells me, don’t I? I mean, hell,

that’s the American way.”

He glanced at his partner, then back to me. It was a quick glance, really no more than a flick, but in my line of work I’d

seen it more than once, and it’s the kind of look you file away. Don’t bother this

guy, it said. Don’t bump him, don’t

rattle him. He’s nitro.

`Ì mean, I’ve got a wife and a little kid to take care of,” he went on. “There’s a Depression going on out there, you


Confusion came over me then, drowning my anger the way a downpour drowns a


Was there a Depression

going on out there? Was there?

`Ì know,” I said, not knowing anything. “Let’s just forget it, what do you say?”

“Sure,” the painters agreed, so eager they sounded like half of a barbershop

quartet. The one I’d mistakenly tabbed as

half-bright had his left hand buried deep in his right armpit, trying to get that nerve to go back to sleep. I could have

told him he had an hour’s work ahead of him, maybe more, but I didn’t want to talk to them anymore. I didn’t want to

talk to anyone or see anyone–not even the delectable Candy Kane, whose humid glances and smooth, subtropical

curves have been known to send seasoned street-brawlers reeling to their knees. The only thing I wanted to do was to

get across the outer office and into my inner sanctum. There was a bottle of Robb’s Rye in the bottom lefthand drawer,

and right now I needed a shot in the worst way.

I walked down toward the frosted-glass door marked CLYDE UMNEY PRIVATE


restraining a

renewed urge to see if I could drop-kick a can of Dutch Boy Oyster White through the window at the end of the hall

and out onto the fire-escape. I was actually reaching for my doorknob when a thought struck me and I turned back to

the painters . . . but slowly, so they wouldn’t believe I was being gripped by some new seizure. Also, I had an idea that

if I turned too fast, I’d see them grinning at each other and twirling their fingers around their ears–the looney-gesture

we all learned in the schoolyard.

They weren’t twirling their fingers, but they hadn’t taken their eyes off me, either.

The half-smart one seemed to be

gauging the distance to the door marked STAIRWELL. Suddenly I wanted to tell them that

I wasn’t such a bad guy

when you got to know me; that there were, in fact, a few clients and at least one exwife who thought me something of

a hero. But that wasn’t a thing you could say about yourself, especially not to a couple of bozos like these.

“Take it easy,” I said. `Ì’m not going to jump you. I just wanted to ask another question.”

They relaxed a little. A very little, actually.

`Àsk it,” Painter Number Two said.

`Èither of you ever played the numbers down in Tijuana?’

“La lotería?’ Number One asked.

“Your knowledge of Spanish stuns me. Yeah. La lotería.”

Number One shook his head. “Mex numbers and Mex call houses are strictly for


Why do you think I asked you? I thought but didn’t say.

“Besides,” he went on, “you win ten or twenty thousand pesos, big deal. What’s that in real money? Fifty bucks?

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