Stephen King: The Green Mile

giant, and he had a giant’s reach.

I saw his long brown arms shoot out from between the bars and yelled, ” Watchit, Percy, watch it!” Percy started to turn, his left hand dropping to the butt of his stick. Then he was seized and yanked against the front of John Coffey’s cell, the right side of his face smashing into the bars.

He grunted and turned toward Coffey, raising the hickory club. John was certainly vulnerable to it; his own face was pressed so strenuously into the space between two of the center bars that he looked as if he was trying to squeeze his entire head through. It would have been impossible, of course, but that was how it looked. His right hand groped, found the nape of Percy’s neck, curled around it, and yanked Percy’s head forward. Percy brought the club down between the bars and onto John ‘s temple. Blood flowed, but John paid no attention. His mouth pressed against Percy’s mouth. I heard a whispering rush –

an exhalatory sound, as of long-held breath. Percy jerked like a fish on a hook, trying to get away, but he never had a chance; John ‘s right hand was pressed to the back of his neck, holding him firm. Their faces seemed to melt together, like the faces of lovers I have seen kissing passionately through bars.

Percy screamed, the sound muffled as it had been through the tape, and made another effort to pull back.

For an instant their lips came apart a little, and I saw the black, swirling tide that was flowing out of John Coffey and into Percy Wetmore. What wasn’t going into him through his quivering mouth was flowing in by way of his nostrils. Then the hand on the nape of his neck flexed, and Percy was pulled forward onto John ‘s mouth again; was almost impaled on it.

Percy’s left hand sprang open. His treasured hickory baton fell to the green linoleum. He never picked it up again.

I tried to lunge forward, I guess I did lunge forward, but my movements felt old and creaky to myself. I grabbed for my gun, but the strap was still across the burled-walnut grip, and at first I couldn’t get it out of its holster. Beneath me, I seemed to feel the floor shake as it had in the back bedroom of the Warden’s neat little Cape Cod. That I’m not sure of, but I know that one of the caged lightbulbs overhead broke.

Fragments of glass showered down. Harry yelled in surprise.

At last I managed to thumb loose the safety strap over the butt of my .38, but before I could pull it out of its holster, John had thrust Percy away from him and stepped back into his cell. John was grimacing and rubbing his mouth, as if he had tasted something bad.

“What’d he do?” Brutal shouted. “What’d he do, Paul?”

“Whatever he took out of Melly, Percy’s got it now,” I said.

Percy was standing against the bars of Delacroix’s old cell. His eyes were wide and blank-double zeros. I approached him carefully, expecting him to start coughing and choking the way John had after he’d finished with Melinda, but he didn’t. At first he only stood there.

I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes. “Percy! Hey, Percy! Wake up!”

Nothing. Brutal joined me, and reached toward Percy’s empty face with both hands.

“That isn’t going to work,” I said.

Ignoring me, Brutal clapped his hands sharply together twice, right in front of Percy’s nose. And it did

work, or appeared to work. His eyelids fluttered and he stared around -dazed, like someone hit over the head struggling back to consciousness. He looked from Brutal to me. All these years later, I’m pretty sure he didn’t see either of us, but I thought he did then; I thought he was coming out of it.

He pushed away from the bars and swayed a little on his feet. Brutal steadied him. “Easy, boy, you all right?” Percy didn’t answer, just stepped past Brutal and turned toward the duty desk. He wasn’t staggering, exactly, but he was listing to port.

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Categories: Stephen King