“Guess what I’m not wearing,” she whispered.

“Ssshhh,” said Max Lamb. “Listen to that rain.”

Edie Marsh headed to Dade County from Palm Beach, where she’d spent six months trying to sleep with a Kennedy. She’d had the plan all worked out, how she’d seduce a young Kennedy and then threaten to run to the ‘cops with a lurid tale of perversion, rape and torture. She’d hatched the scheme while watching the William Kennedy Smith trial on Court TV and noticing the breathless relief with which the famous clan had received the acquittal; all of them with those fantastic teeth, beaming at the cameras but wearing an expression that Edie Marsh had seen more than a few times in her twenty-nine action-packed years-the look of those who’d dodged a bullet. They’d have no stomach for another scandal, not right away. Next time there’d be a mad stampede for the Kennedy family checkbook, in order to make the problem go away. Edie had it all figured out.

She cleaned out her boyfriend’s bank account and grabbed the Amtrak to West Palm, where she found a cheap duplex apartment. She spent her days sleeping, shoplifting cocktail dresses and painting her nails. Each night she’d cross the bridge to the rich island, where she assiduously loitered at Au Bar and the other trendy clubs. She overtipped bartenders and waitresses, with the understanding that they would instantly alert her when a Kennedy, any Kennedy, arrived. In this fashion she had quickly met two Shrivers and a distant Lawford, but to Edie they would have been borderline fucks. She was saving her charms for a direct heir, a pipeline to old Joe Kennedy’s mother lode. One of the weekly tabloids had published a diagram of the family tree, which Edie Marsh had taped to the wall of the kitchen, next to a Far Side calendar. Right away Edie had ruled out screwing any Kennedys-by-marriage; the serious money followed the straightest lines of genealogy, as did the scandal hunters. Statistically it appeared her best target would be one of Ethel and Bobby’s sons, since they’d had so many. Not that Edie wouldn’t have crawled nude across broken glass for a whack at John Jr., but the odds of him strolling unescorted into a Palm Beach fern bar were laughable.

Besides, Edie Marsh was nothing if not a realist. John Kennedy Jr. had movie-star girlfriends, and Edie knew she was no movie star. Pretty, sure. Sexy in a low-cut Versace, you bet. But John-John probably wouldn’t glance twice. Some of those cousins, though, Bobby’s boys-Edie was sure she could do some damage there. Suck ’em cross-eyed, then phone the lawyers.

Unfortunately, six grueling months of barhopping produced only two encounters with Kennedy Kennedys. Neither tried to sleep with Edie; she couldn’t believe it. One of the young men even took her on an actual date, but when they returned to her place he didn’t so much as grope her boobs. Just pecked her good night and said thanks for a nice time. The perfect goddamn gentleman, she’d thought. Just my luck. Edie had tried valiantly to change his mind, practically pinned him to the hood of his car, kissed and rubbed and grabbed him. Nothing! Humiliating is what it was. After the young Kennedy departed, Edie Marsh had stalked to the bathroom and studied herself in the mirror. Maybe there was wax in her ears or spinach in her teeth, something gross to put the guy off. But no, she looked fine. Furiously she peeled off her stolen dress, appraised her figure and thought: Did the little snot think he’s too good for this? What a joke, that Kennedy charm. The kid had all the charisma of oatmeal. He’d bored her to death long before the lobster entree arrived. She’d felt like hopping on the tabletop and shrieking at the top of her lungs: Who gives a shit about illiteracy in South Boston? Tell me about Jackie and the Greek!

That dismal evening, it turned out, was Edie’s last shot. The summer went dead in Palm Beach, and all the fuckable Kennedys traveled up to Hyannis. Edie was too broke to give chase.

The hurricane on the TV radar had given her a new idea. The storm was eight hundred miles away, churning up the Caribbean, when she phoned a man named Snapper, who was coming off a short hitch for manslaughter. Snapper got his nickname because of a crooked jaw, which had been made that way by a game warden and healed poorly. Edie Marsh arranged to meet him at a sports bar on the beach. Snapper listened to her plan and said it was the nuttiest fucking thing he’d ever heard because (a) the hurricane probably won’t hit here and (b) somebody could get busted for heavy time.

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Categories: Carl, Hiaasen