Summer by Edith Wharton

She had never heard him speak in public before, but she was familiar with the rolling music of his voice when he read aloud, or held forth to the selectmen about the stove at Carrick Fry’s. Today his inflections were richer and graver than she had ever known them: he spoke slowly, with pauses that seemed to invite his hearers to silent participation in his thought; and Charity perceived a light of response in their faces.

He was nearing the end of his address…”Most of you,” he said, “most of you who have returned here today, to take contact with this little place for a brief hour, have come only on a pious pilgrimage, and will go back presently to busy cities and lives full of larger duties. But that is not the only way of coming back to North Dormer. Some of us, who went out from here in our youth…went out, like you, to busy cities and larger duties…have come back in another way–come back for good. I am one of those, as many of you know….” He paused, and there was a sense of suspense in the listening hall. “My history is without interest, but it has its lesson: not so much for those of you who have already made your lives in other places, as for the young men who are perhaps planning even now to leave these quiet hills and go down into the struggle. Things they cannot foresee may send some of those young men back some day to the little township and the old homestead: they may come back for good….” He looked about him, and repeated gravely: “For GOOD. There’s the point I want to make…North Dormer is a poor little place, almost lost in a mighty landscape: perhaps, by this time, it might have been a bigger place, and more in scale with the landscape, if those who had to come back had come with that feeling in their minds–that they wanted to come back for GOOD…and not for bad…or just for indifference….

“Gentlemen, let us look at things as they are. Some of us have come back to our native town because we’d failed to get on elsewhere. One way or other, things had gone wrong with us…what we’d dreamed of hadn’t come true. But the fact that we had failed elsewhere is no reason why we should fail here. Our very experiments in larger places, even if they were unsuccessful, ought to have helped us to make North Dormer a larger place…and you young men who are preparing even now to follow the call of ambition, and turn your back on the old homes–well, let me say this to you, that if ever you do come back to them it’s worth while to come back to them for their good….And to do that, you must keep on loving them while you’re away from them; and even if you come back against your will–and thinking it’s all a bitter mistake of Fate or Providence–you must try to make the best of it, and to make the best of your old town; and after a while– well, ladies and gentlemen, I give you my recipe for what it’s worth; after a while, I believe you’ll be able to say, as I can say today: ‘I’m glad I’m here.’ Believe me, all of you, the best way to help the places we live in is to be glad we live there.”

He stopped, and a murmur of emotion and surprise ran through the audience. It was not in the least what they had expected, but it moved them more than what they had expected would have moved them. “Hear, hear!” a voice cried out in the middle of the hall. An outburst of cheers caught up the cry, and as they subsided Charity heard Mr. Miles saying to someone near him: “That was a MAN talking—-” He wiped his spectacles.

Mr. Royall had stepped back from the desk, and taken his seat in the row of chairs in front of the harmonium. A dapper white-haired gentleman–a distant Hatchard–succeeded him behind the goldenrod, and began to say beautiful things about the old oaken bucket, patient white-haired mothers, and where the boys used to go nutting…and Charity began again to search for Harney….

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Categories: Edith Wharton