Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin


“If we’re heading out among the common folk, a disguise spell would be nice.”

He was right of course. Even though I was used to seeing him as he actually was, a Pervect with green scales and yellow eyes, the average citizen of Possiltum still tended to react to his appearance with horror and fear . . . which is to say much the same way I reacted when I first met him.

“Sorry, Aahz.”

Closing my eyes, I quickly made the necessary adjustments. Manipulating his image with my mind, I made him look like an ordinary castle guard. If anything, I made him a bit more scrawny and undernourished than average. I mean, the idea was not to intimidate people, wasn’t it?

Aahz didn’t even bother checking his reflection in any of the windows we passed. He seemed much more interested in prying details of my date out of me.

“Where did you find to go on this backwater dimension, anyway?” he said.

“Oh, we didn’t stick around here,” I said loftily. “We ducked over to Limbo. Cassandra knew a couple clubs there and we …”

I suddenly noticed Aahz was no longer walking beside me. Looking back, I realized he had stopped in his tracks. His mouth was working, but no sound came out.

“Limbo?” he managed at last. “You went bar crawling on Limbo? Excuse me, partner, but I was under the impression we were persona non grata in that neck of the woods.”

“I was a little worried at first,” I admitted casually, which was only a little lie. As you’ll recall, I had been a LOT worried. “Cassandra said she could blip us back out fast if there was any trouble, though, so I figured what the heck. As it turned out, nobody seems to be holding a grudge there. In fact, it seems I’m … I mean, we’re . . . minor celebrities over there. That’s partly why the evening ran as long as it did. Half the people we ran into wanted to buy me a drink for putting one over on the local council.”

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